
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Elementalegend, Dec 8, 2008.

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  1. Elementalegend

    Elementalegend Ancient
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    Playable on:Team Slayer
    Best With:1v1,2v2,3v3 and 4v4

    Hello FH, I'm back with my newest map Kromasome.

    First off, I'll Thank the people who helped the most on my map -
    Legend Jedicsc(The Idea)
    Agent Quack(secrets,and a little bit of entertainment)While being bored with Forging.

    The Lamest Back Story
    Once,there was a city named Kromasome,Named by the flow of city life and that Kromasome was a huge harbor and bay.But once a Terrible Oil Spill made the Water King mad.The Water King is who was in control of the bueatiful waves,He began creating Tsunami's that could take down Armies.

    After a long time, The people built a wall to stand against the Crashing Waves, Then water started to leak,then Everything and Everyone Panicked about living or Diening....So the City People wewnt insane.

    Weapons_Top of Head
    2-Battle Rifle's-120-0 clips
    2-Maulers-90-1 clips
    1-Brute Shot-120-1 clip
    1-Flame Thrower-Never-
    1-Gravity Hammer-150-
    1-Sniper-150-1 clip
    2-SMG's-90-0 clips
    2-Spike Grenades-60

    1-Bubble Shield-120
    1-Trip Mine-150


    Base A

    Base B

    New Ghost Racks

    Back Wall

    Overview From Left

    Overview From Right


    Tunnel Action

    Brute Shot Action

    Hammer Time!!

    Needler Pownage

    There is only one Secret Weapon/Room in the map, Only Chris 1995 know where and what your rewarded with in it.

    Sorry for small pictures....Idiot Friend......Chris 1995 didn't tell me I had to click on the pictures to make them grow......

    Please Enjoy,Rate,Comment,Download
  2. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    The post looks good I'd just suggest, now knowing how to enlarge the pics, go back and fix those few. As for the maps it looks pretty nice, the structure looks pretty cool, I'd like to add though mabie add some cover to the back wall/tunnel, I'm sure in a sniper/BR/w.e fight you'd wanna take a breather. Either way great map.
  3. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I like the map itself, interlocking is very good and it isn't messy. My only concern with the map is that the tunnel is too long, so long range weapon holders completely dominate it. Even with that problem, I think the map deserves a 4/5. I would try to divide up the tunnel in some way though, maybe add some cover within it.
  4. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I would edit and redo those small pics.

    The map looks good but a double jump or grenade jump could easily break the map. Also, you need more pictures of the middle part of the map. ou don't have anything showin what you put in there.
  5. minato

    minato Ancient
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    This looks completely fun to play on. But, as Master said, I think the tunnel would be to dominating. I am going to find the secret room, and I will post the secret here. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    EDIT: The way into the 'secret' room is in pictures, and the reward is a Splazer.
    Extra Random Picture:
  6. Elementalegend

    Elementalegend Ancient
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    Uhh......You know guys this is why I left ForgeHub for LGNation........Its people don't rate the map a 4/5 because pics are small and the tunnel is too long......The Sniper was put in a little space so ANY weapon would kill the person inside the tunnel(BR,Needler,SMG's,AND the Grav-Hammer.....And Look at the rating on LG and it's gonna make LG faves by the lead of like 18-19 votes......Soon enough Bungie Faves.............
  7. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    You're a jerk who doesn't know what he's talking about. Thsi is a nice map but this has no chance of bungie favoriots. Maybe LG favoriots. so STFU. nice map though. also if you don't give people info like that then they won't know what to change in the second version. Go back to LGnation nobody needs you here.

    EDIT: I bet he doesn't reply
  8. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    If you left FH why are you carrying on about how cool LGNation is, if it's sooo gnarley wouldn't you be better off there? Shouldn't you be there right now? No? Didn't think so. Leave Nyway mmk? ^_^

    Hold up anywayz. Are you implying this deserves 5/5?
  9. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    EXZCTLY, there is no way in h*** that this map will be in bungie favoriots, much less featured. For christs sake i only give it a 3.5/5. so don't go on saying that you're map is favoriot material when it is obviously not.

    ohh and i don't know if anybody told you but the tunnelis to long.
  10. Elementalegend

    Elementalegend Ancient
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    Hey look my point is proven..........Everyone here is jerks....
    And there's a point of saying Soon-Enough I didn't ever say this map is Bungie Faves material...I said it maybe wouldn't hurt for it to make it so uhh....and hey good someone DL'd the map and found the secret....
  11. Elementalegend

    Elementalegend Ancient
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    No..I'm saying this map is 5/5...
  12. Elementalegend

    Elementalegend Ancient
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    And the tunnel is supposed to be that long,I made it that way.....*sighs at ignorance of People on FH*

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dude i agree with u element. the map i posted has like 4 people who have no idea of what the map is rating it like 3/5 and 4/5 with no knowledge of the map

    besides that. that tunnel reminds me of my earlier version of peninsula, remember it? urs is way better. very nice job all around. i hope this gets featured on lg.

    i just checked out LG nation. i saw u got ur map that u showed me featured. nice job to that too :p
  14. Elementalegend

    Elementalegend Ancient
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    lulls I triple posted hey you should sign's way better than this trash hole of a website.........Make a referral to me if you sign up.
  15. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    that's life kid, suck it up,and be more positive!

    hey elemental, forgehub is what you make it, if you go around promoting your own map and saying that it is a 5/5 and that everyone that doesn't think so is trash, then you need to wake up and smell the roses kid.

    the point of posting a map is so that you can get other peoples opinionated feedback.

    if your just going to reject that feedback then yes, go back to LGnation.
    where im guessing that if a map is looks nice, then it gets 5/5s all around and people will bow down to you and ask you for your help in building maps or w/e.
    if your going to be that negative, and break posting rules, then leave.

    and ya, some people do rate depending on minor stuff like pic size, so what? forgehub is a big community and monderators can't ban everyone who isn't as smart of the rest of us. unless they break rules, as you have.
  16. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Even if he found the secret, he's still a jerk.
  17. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i think he's promoting a whole different website. like not FH.
  18. Elementalegend

    Elementalegend Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What Gave you that Idea...I'm trying to get banned from this site
    please I give a call to the mods to ban me.......and I'm not rejecting the feedback I'm simply telling them to suck it up and get a life.....I wanted to make the tunnel that long and if you don't like it then don't DL

    also if you PROBABLY don't like me give the map a try at least.....
  19. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Ignorance is your triple post douche bag. lul

    You suck, go to your sappy LG and lick ass over there, we don't need you. ^_^

    Oh btw idk if you suck at spelling or what but it's Chromosome.
  20. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    No offense, but submitting a map on ForgeHub, then stereotyping an entire website because of one or two posts that made you feel angered isn't going to get you anywhere. I'm gonna be respectful, yet honest with you here. I cannot see the pictures of the bases, and I would like to, seeing as you said it is playable with Team Slayer. I'm not going to rate your map until I have played it, seeing as it is only fair that you have submitted a map to be played on. I will download and check it out to see for myself. Some of the structures look pretty cool, but the map does look escapable by that bridge area (the back wall picture). This isn't a particularly big deal to me; just thought I would throw that out their because sometimes it goes unobserved in the map-making process. In the meantime, people who have been respectful on this thread and have honestly critiqued are NOT out to get you. It is the maps that have been playtested constantly and critiqued by the public that usually turn out the best, am I right? This is what ForgeHub does for featured maps, and this is what Bungie does when they listen to their community of players.
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