YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 Sniper Montage : Kristuhfur : Enjoy! Also, rate/comment. Need as many 5's as we can get Thanks. Again, enjoy! On this thread, it'd be nice if you could give me some editing suggestions. Thanks guys Miss you, haven't been online forever ;D
Spas kills? I'm hardly impressed. Your opponents often don't even know you are there and yet you still often miss shots. Nothing has really impressed me at all. I got fall camo for the barrett in under 12 hours. Just because you can make a montage doesnt mean you should. Sorry if i was a little harsh. also, i really, really dislike the music. also, for the barrett, i use ninja and cold blooded.
I thought it was good. A lot of the shots looked like they should have hit, but didn't. As for the spas.. that could have been left out, but the end clip where you got that huge killstreak with the spas was great.
pretty sexy stuff. great gameplay, no matter what hari says. the editing was meh, some of the kills were meh, but a lot of them were great. i lliked the one where you were trying to quickscope someone than shot the guy through the grates the best.