Hello this is my new Sandbox Racetrack. Elevator Straight-away/Banked Wave Slow-turn/Rising Banked Turn Overview Thank you for checking out this preview for my newest map Kopila Valley by blh728. See It, Enjoy It, and Leave A Comment It!
Looks smooth enough. The lift is interesting, but the map needs something more to set it apart from other racing maps. I was never one for racing maps, so I don't know what that would be.
Track certainly looks smooth. The lift is pretty nice, too. I'd suggest throwing some aesthetics on around that lift once the track is finished (assuming you have budget left). That will make the track really stand out.
Im using a Sandbox Guardian Blocked Money Glitched Canvas Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Yes im doing Scenery/Aesthetics when I finish the track itself.
I like the lift. Again needs something to uniquify itself. (besides Lots of banks and hills) Loving it so far and cannot wait to see the finished version.