
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by STEClash96, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Made By DA HITMAN 117


    Koleos, Is my newest map on Forgehub. It is a Medium sized Map that takes up about 2/3's of Foundry, It Has A LOT OF GEO-MERGING On the map itself. At first, This map was Designed for FFA Gmaetypes and that was it, But, There was a problem with the map. It Needed To be aided As soon as possible. In one side of the map was all Interlocking and Geo-Merging. What about the other side? It was completely Blank on the other side. So, I started to place some crates and stuff and it looked sort of like a fort. So, I said to myself, What if I.........Made this map for One-sided Team games? So, I did, The results were amazing, Never ever in my life, had I seen So much Geo-Merging. The map took more than 24+ Hours to fully build the map, And then test it, We played "One-Flag" on it and we done 4 v 4, But some people said that they hated CTF, So they left. And then, It was 3 v 3, Red Won! Blue Lost, Unfortunately. I was on the red team, But then 2 people on the Blue team left, So I felt sorry for them and Joined Blue team. The map is set up for, 1 v 1, 2 v 2, 3 v 3, and 4 v 4. The gametypes it's set up for is: CTF, Assault, FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, KOTH, OddBall, and thats it. It is set up for both Team Versions and FFA Versions. NOTE: I started on this map a long time ago, like in May, Before I became a member here at Forgehub, I got tired of it and said that I will let it sink to the bottom, But I did'nt, And plus, I kept it!!
    Special thanks goes to:Amiz Btchin, BulletPruf1,Millsy271,Jamie0311,Adam041291,My Friend CoolSweeny and EVL CHUCKY for helping me test the map. Please Comment, Download and Rate!
    This is also My 5th Map post and I hope you Enjoy it!! If you like the map then Don't forget FeedBack, Good FeedBack that is.
    Weapons List:

    4x BR's,2 clips each, All have Different Respawn times.
    5xAR's,2 Clips Each, 60 sec respawn time
    4xSMG's,1 clip each, 45 sec respawn time
    3x Spikers, 1 clip Each, 60 sec respawn time
    2x Magnums, 2 clips each, 30 sec respawn time
    1x Plasma Pistol, 30 sec respawn time
    1x Plasma Rifle, 45 sec respawn time
    2x Needlers,2 clips each,60 sec respawn time
    2x Brute Shots, 2 clips Each, 90 sec respawn time
    1x Plasma Cannon, respawn rate: Never *ASYMMETRIC ONLY*(For Defending team)
    2x Cov. Carbines, 2 clips each,45 sec respawn time
    1x Flamethrower,180 sec respawn time (Also for Defending team)
    1x Rocket Launcher, Respawn rate: Never *ASYMMETRIC ONLY* (For Attacking team)
    1x Sniper Rifle, 2 clips, 180 sec respawn time (Also For Attacking team)

    1x Bubble Shield, 180 sec respawn time
    1x *HIDDEN* Regenerator, 180 sec respawn time
    1x Trip Mine, 150 sec respawn time
    1x Radar Jammer, 90 sec respawn time *ASYMMETRIC ONLY* (For Defending Team)
    1x Flare,90 sec respawn time*ASYMMETRIC ONLY* (For Attacking team)
    1x Active Camo, 180 sec respawn time
    6x Frag Grenades, 10 sec respawn time
    6x Plasma Grenades, 10 sec respawn time
    6x Spike Grenades, *Some have different Respawn times And Different symmetry*
    1x Firebomb Grenade, *SYMMETRICAL ONLY*

    2x Mongooses, 90 sec respawn time

    Some Pictures are Next, Please Hold:BEEEEEEEEEEEP. Ok, Now here they are!!


    Centre Piece (There are man-cannons merged in with the boxes to give you a big jump up!


    Sniper Tower (Hard to get up on your First Go, Crouch Jump)

    Defender's Fort


    Inside of Centre Piece

    A Power Core Thingy

    Yay! Action Shotz!!




    And Its all thanks to this little Guy!!

    DOWNLOAD HERE:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    If anyone has any suggestions towards a V2, Then please don't hesitate To send me a message on what to fix.


    #1 STEClash96, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
    KB likes this.
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    On your geomerging picture, your missing the interlocking on the bridge. Other than that, this map looks very good. A 4.5/5 to you, and nice job, some pretty cool things stand out on this map.
  3. haseoice

    haseoice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    umm, it's a great map but the only thing that confuses me is the title. I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO PRONOUNCE IT!!
  4. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    I can't fix that though, I would have to move the entire centre piece a little bit more and Geomerge all the Platforms into the Ground, Sorry but I can't fix that. :(
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    this map looks like a bastard hybrid of some of the more recent popular maps. lol i like it. Although, ill tell you now, im a close quarters kinda guy, and theres not one close quarters weapon on here... so i cant imagine ill play it much.

    The interlocking looks good, and the geomerging is nicely done as well. Overall, i think you have a fantastic map here. keep up the good work.
  6. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this looks like a really nice map and it is really well forged good job on the map
  7. fergfighter

    fergfighter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this is really good
    ir reminds me of mario 64
    for some reason lol
    lower the guns september 25th
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good just make sure you make it easier to get on top of the tall double boxes

    Nice Map
  9. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    omg this is your best map ever!!!!!! i love it. i will DL when i have time lol
    also i hope to see more maps like this
  10. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    This actually looks really cool. I like all of the ledges and different ways to get to the top of things, I heart ledges. Great job, but not the best, so 4/5.
  11. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    i dont like the sniper tower it looks out of place and it reminds me too much of project z(thats the right one right?)
    but other then that ill give it a 4.5 gj
  12. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    i like it how you made the spires in different shapes its cool and there is also really good geomerging and interlocking
  13. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    Great map with excellent interlocking and geomerging. 5/5
  14. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Muhahaha Monitor is evil!

    The little lol balloons on everyones head are funny, they make me lol.
    Now to the map, nice layout, looks great for some 2 on 2 action.
    It looks really neatly Forged and all the Aesthetics are very good.
    Also the Interlocking and map features are also very rich.
    1337 Map, :)>.
  15. Sweat Tomato

    Sweat Tomato Ancient
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    Like the geomerging. Nice job. =D 4/5
  16. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome map everything looks great. i espeacially like the sinper tower, you should maybe move the sniper maybe down to the bottom or somewhere near it that way they have to get it and then get up to the top of the tower. overall really good espeacially since you made this before you were a FH member. 4.5/5 man good job
  17. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I really like the map. It looks like it plays well, but one thing..

    Never, ever, force people to crouch jump to get to places important
  18. Brownie7997

    Brownie7997 Ancient

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    this actually looks pretty cool i like it along with the interlocking
  19. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Actually, you dont have to crouch jump to get to that Sniper tower, Its Because it gives a better chance of getting to the ledge.
  20. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    I like the first picture and cool map 3/5, i think it could be fun :) lol

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