Here is the vid Alright so this video came out a while ago and many still wonder if its true or its fake. I decided to post this to get your opinions on it. I personally think its fake because 1. Kobe wouldn't put his life on the line for this 2. You can see somewhat of a difference of the realness of the car and Kobe Please post your opinions on this! P.S. I don't know how to embed videos so if you know please tell me how to!
false, even though hes an idiot, and the celtics wrecked him, YAHHH BOYY, he would risk his career, or his agent wouldnt let him, he jumps high enough, but he would risk it.
completely fake. He's even said so himself Im pretty sure. It would have been a huge story, with him getting fined several thousand dollars if it were actually true. Its all green screen
Give some more reasonable explanation to why. How do you know its not on the green screen? Why would he put his career on the line for something silly like this? Answer those questions and you will have me impressed...
They could have easily edited the video... I mean hello? this is Kobe Bryant! He is like a multi-billionaire!
Haha I had no clue that it was on that! I remember seeing something about it on Yahoo news and so I researched it up and started this thread!