Knockout vBeta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TaK, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. TaK

    TaK MLG Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is a direct C&P of my post at MLG forums. If you don;t know what Zanno's 1v1 settings are, they are settings with slow shield regen, no sarting grenades, no kill limit(15 min time), and force colour black. The basis is on a small map with frequently respawning power weapons that forge conflicts as opposed to camping.

    This is a map I have been working on for quite a while. It is a 1v1 competitive map on Blackout. Instead of trying to explain anything to you I will just head straight into the pictures.

    The starting spawns are shown in this picture both on the same level and in clear sight of each other with the Mauler in the middle(Drop spawn, no spare clip[5 shots] spawns every 3 minutes.)


    This next picture shows the new blocked off wall at BR3 and a little bit of the new passage way near mid.


    Next picture shows the jump up in greater detail.


    The following picture has a lot in it. Mid being blocked off and under there is two plasmas that respawn every 45 seconds with a run time max of 4, these are the only two plasmas on the map. Also you can see where camo spawns through the window into bottom sword(1 min respawn). Also if you look at the very top left you can see where I used doors to block off some lines of sight.

    This final picture shows BR3, you can see the two frags there with respawn of 45s and run time max of 4. Also you can see an open box merged into the ground. I hate that box more then I ever thought it was possible to hate anything in the world. There is also an OS(CP) located in there(60s respawn)


    Now on to the more detailed description, I decided on a Mauler as the single power weapon on the map because I felt there we're not very good lines of sight for it to be used and a mauler would be good but I did not want it to be over powering hence the 3 minute respawn. This map was built with Zanno's 1v1 settings in mind as to I doubt I could come up with better ones. However as with all my maps the spawns are not the greatest, originally even with a neutral respawn area I still had one out of map spawn at S1 but I think I have now got that blocked with a box. This is the Beta version of the map and I don't think I will be adding any more grenades but I am open to more or different power weapon options; In the final version there will be carbines on but I just haven't decided where to put them yet. Anyone who is willing to help with the spawns as that is the main problem that I am testing right now or has any ideas in which to improve this map send me a FR at Alt 0191 and leave a reply here.
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    You should have more pics,
    i like the merged box but i can barely see the level
  3. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the design very much. It's also cool that you have merging and a big wall, and that you didn't make this on foundry. But yeah it would be a bit nicer if you had more pics. 4/5
  4. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Well, For starters, I hate playing on Normal blackout, To me, All I think you did was put some bridges down, Spawn Points, Some Weapons and merged a box into the ground. But I don't think that I have ever seen Merging on Blackout so Well done on that! 3.75/5 Needs Improvement.
  5. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    The wall and the merged box is VERY good! i like how the wall is very neat. i would like a wep list though and a few more pics. 5/5 so far
  6. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Nice to see a map on Blackout once in a while. You have suceded where i have failed. I have tried but for some reason never could, geo-merge on this map. Oh, well on to the review! It seems you've put a lot of work and effort into this map and it has turned out great! I like how all the weapons and grenades have so high respawn because it helps teach you to conserve your ammo. Nice idea, nice map, excellent geo merging, and nice not using foundry! 4/5

    Keep Forging!
  7. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    IS the middle part blocked out? I cant really tell could you possibly add more pics plase?
  8. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    the map looks like the gameplay is really going to be changed with waht you did here but i have a question why would you put that box there if you hate it
  9. TaK

    TaK MLG Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I hate that box because of how obnoxiously hard it was to geo in straightly. Have you ever thyed geoing on Blackout?? It is near impossible to control. The mid of the map is blocked off with the giant wall you see, there is a wall at bottom mid blocking that off.

    As for a weapons list, so far there are only a few BR's and 2 frags and 2 plasmas, and a mauler. In the final version there will be carbines but I'm not sure where to put them yet, I doubt there will be any more grenades though as to prevent grenade spamming.

    The other thing I was thinking of including is a Trip Mine, the settings this map was designed for have a slower shield regen as well as no starting nades. It is designed to me a more competitive thought otu 1v1 game where the smarter player wins and you can't win by just camping, you need to be able to out smart your opponent, control certain parts of the map at certain times(Mauler spawn;every three minutes) as well as predict their movements. A trip mine knocking your shields down to 0(with it taking 9 seconds for them to respawn) and would also give you a useful tool to know where they are comming form with the lack of radar.

    EDIT: Also will have more pics up ASAP
  10. undeadassassin1

    undeadassassin1 Ancient
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    4/5 needs an overview

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