Now at first glance this looks like a very simple map. but at second glance. . . . . .no your right still looks very simple. But hey it's not like chess simple where you place an objective marker and your done. That's 3 things I had to place right there. But don't pass up this map just yet. For what it lacks in complication it makes up for constant action and fun. You start off with a gravity hammer. . . . . .and a cuncusion rifle. Everyone starts on the outside of the circle and is invinsible. But you can till kill eachother. While everyone is running to the center of the cirlce to get there points everyone is also hitting and shooting eachother away form it. With low gravity it's not hard to go flying off the platform (usually with 2 or 3 people it's harder to fly off). The score is to 10 which doesn't seem like alot but you can go 30 seconds or even more without someone getting a single point.So yes it is simple but it is extremely fun.
i think this gametype is already created and the map is too small i think you should make a new map and figure out a new gametype
I created this map back in January, I'm just new to forgehub so I'm putting all my maps on it. Also when I made this map I wanted it to be small and curved in like it is. It's not that I'm not capable of making big mpas or structures because I have other maps on here that prove i can do that. I just wanted everyone spawning close and not having to run very far forward to get to the objective.