Knee deep in the Dead is a remake of the first level of doom. I know this has been done before but nothing like what ive done. As it stands its an infection only map, suited for up to 8 humans and 4 zombies. I could convert this into a normal slayer map but i dont think the layout lends itself to slayer. Before i get into posting pictures id like to tell you what you will find different from the map itself. The transition rooms are all 3 Story buildings, with the 2 of the passages door ways blocked off. The reason for this is because i wanted to add a smooth, and seamless place for the zombies to respawn, and how i achieved this was spawning them in the top section of the 3 story building, and having them run out of 1 way barriers, into the map itself. Theres no way for the humans to get in those sections of the map, so that the map is mostly true to its original form. Another change ull notice is that the secret room that leads outdoors isnt fully there, budget doesnt allow it, so its just a teleporter, however that doesnt mean theres not something unique with it, and ill get into that when i talk about the unique features. And the final noticable difference is in the outside. Originally the center had a lowered section you would drop down slightly into, i didnt so much care for that look on this map, so what i did was raise that part instead with rocks to match the other outside aesthetics. Now some of the unique features this map has. There is a day to night change that occurs, after one and a half minute a filter spawns, making it darker as youll see in the pictures. This gives it a dusk feel. And after 3 minutes another filter spawns and it gets very dark, this was hard to convey in the pictures so ull just have to see it for yourself. If u remember the acid pit in the original map with the z shaped bridge crossing, obviously acid pits cant be remade in reach, but u can do something similar. I added a soft kill zone on the bottom so that u have a limited time to be on the ground there, but above that on the bridge is fine. This doesnt add much to the gameplay but i feel it captures the spirit of the original doom level. The next feature as i mentioned earlier, is the secret door. As youll see in the pictures as well i added a faux door with capture plates, you cannot shoot or grenade through them but u can walk straight through, I feel it really captures the idea of a secret wall even though its very obvious something isnt right in the room, with a bunch of capture plates. The last thing i wanted to talk about was the first power up room in doom, towards the left, where u would walk up stairs and then look out some windows, and ud see an outside area. There were a couple rooms like this in doom, where ud look out a window or something and see a ton of demons, but not be able to get out there. I really like that, so what i did when i started making this map, is i made the mentioned area partially inside the Colosseum. You wont be able to go in because ull meet a hard kill zone if u fall to far down, but i feel like it really has the classic doom feel like this Okay ive talked to long, lets move onto the pictures, with each room i really tried to hold true to the feel of the level, and tried to make each one feel distinguishable. So with out further adieu, here are the pictures and i hope you all enjoy the map! Fake wall Other side. Theres a Soft kill zone in here to prevent camping.
Wow, just went in forge on this map and looked around, AMAZING. Everything is forged perfectly, and it is all made very nicely. I am going to get a big game of infection going and play on this map. 5/5 for everything possible about this map, one of the best infection maps I have seen yet. Great job man.
Thank you very much, i am very flattered. If you come across anything in your testing please let me know, that would be great. And if u need another player, id love to join in.
OMFG I LOVE YOU! im soo downloading this! i might even try and make some other levels from DOOM I :_)
I use to love Doom, the moment I saw the thread name I was immediately interested. I am definantly going to add to download queue and get next time I'm Reach. I will have to try and get a customs game going to play this map. The only Doom level that might have been kewler might have been the first level of Doom2, I don't know its name.