i totally agree with this!! you have done it again!! and guess who just downloaded it [br][/br]Edited by merge: i totally agree with this!! you have done it again!! and guess who just downloaded it
EightBall, I will start out by saying that this is another beautiful creation. Your object use astounds me with every map that you create. An amazing example would be your use of the round base. You use it in such a way that I would have never though of, and you are a great inspiration when it comes to bringing a map to life. Having said that, I do have a problem with this map and many of your others. Now, I understand that I am fairly new to this site so my words really mean nothing. Yet, I feel that you sacrifice gameplay for looks. All of your maps look like they came pre-packaged with the game, but the gameplay is another story. Most all of your maps seem to lack serious level design. This map for instance is basically an open box. Now, I understand that there is cover, but it still does not change that fact that there is really no level changes or ways to escape battle. I think you are an amazing forger, and that you have the potential to make an amazing competitive map if you would just step off the aesthetics, and focus more on the level design. I hope you take this well, and I hope that you don't feel like I am ripping you a new one. I just would like to see a map made by you that engages your aesthetic touch, with amazing gameplay! Ok, well I will step off my soap box and wait for another amazing map. Great job again. FYI, I think this is one of your better maps in terms of looks!
Haha, thanks for the download. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I completely agree with what you said. The aesthetics are nice, but gameplay is questionable. I don't think it's horrible, but the design of this map is just plain boring. So, on my new map I will be putting more time into the design of the map. Thanks for the comments. If you do manage to get a game on this, let me know if it was fun or not, thanks.
Damn, EightBall, your maps are all stunning to look at, and you do not fail again with this one. I will download and try it out. But I am really looking forward to Elysium. It looks promising also.
well...i know that you didn't ask ME.. but i saw the comment on the map name. i think that i great name for this map could have been equipoise. As the map is perfectly symmetrical in two directions, and is designed for symmetrical team game play
Yeah, that's a good map name, but how exactly does it fit? Besides just being symmetrical? I don't want to name this map just based off of its symmetry. Thanks anyways.