This started out as a simple tribute to "the greatest band in the world: KISS." I started by simply trying to make the KISS logo. I looked around real quick after I spawned and found that the hangar area in forge world was perfect seemed like a good staging area. The back wall seemed right and I started there just simply making the logo. I then had the idea to continue by building a stage around the logo making it into a concert atmosphere. I had a few different choices for stages but ending up settling on the pyramid. I then added lights in the form of power-ups and man-cannons. I also added a very simple and rough drumset to get the feel of a stage. I plan to continue working on the map and eventually incorporate pyros and other features. In this picture you'll see the experimental pyros before firing: In this picture you see the explosive results after firing the pyros: Enjoy this simple and incomplete tribute to my favorite band, feel free to comment and remember to "Rock and Roll all night and party everyday!"
you could use the capture plates piled up on each other to make the lightning look like real armatures for a concert.
What a coincidence I just saw kiss in houston Texas last Tuesday lol this looks good keep at it there really arnt any amazing aesthetic maps in reach yet
This is pretty interesting, Kiss is definitely a great band. The top right of the "K" looks kinda funky to me but it'll still cool. Just make sure to build the interior to look like the inside of a venue.
Thanks for the comments guys! DeStarfighter-thanks for the idea of the capture plates I think I'll use those for actual spot lights, I've seen that idea work before for lights so I'll try it. CaptnSTFU-I actually saw KISS when they were Greenville, SC a couple years ago, blew my freakin' mind! Skisma-Yeah the K messed up a few times I think we I finally saved it, it was my original attempt not the final but I'll clean it up before I submit a final, and as for the interior I was actually thinking of setting up a bunch of initial spawns to resemble the crowd plus when you spawn you'll be within the crowd in front of the stage. Thanks again for the comments and suggestions guys I really appreciate it!
Cool stage Delta, I like the lighting effect. Lots of room to expand this idea too. Plenty of options, ought to be a fun project for sure. Rock and Roll... what else...ROCK
I think its all cool except for the stage, I would make a custom one out of blocks not use the cookie cutter pyramid.