Kinect is Selling 2X as Fast as the iPad So, Kinect passed up the iPad for fastest selling device of all time, selling an average of 100,000 units a day compared to Apple's 50,000 units a day. Sure MS had a bump with Black Friday, but it's still impressive nonetheless.
Last I heard the Kinect was selling quite shitty and the PS3 Move had like x4 the sales.... haha both are retarded any ways.
As of right now I agree. That and I detest how all the Xbox dashboard updates make it look more and more like the Wii dashboard. Xbox Wii60 wat? Unless they use it to implement something cool for FPS, I'm not buying it. But I'm impressed it beat the iPad. Not impressed because I like the iPad, my phone has more functionality. But the iPad has a lot of hype behind it being the first of it's kind (as far as a lot of people know).
not to sidetrack the topic, but why cant we choose between skins for the dashboard update? that would be much cooler. and i dont mean the themes, i mean complete skins. but yea, kinect is actually pretty fun. i played a few games on it. its a more high tech wiimote basically. its definitely a dumb gimmick. but i cant deny that it was fun as hell to play. my Dance Central freestyle will **** on you.