Kind of intersting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frito Bandito 7, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    Well i was reading an article on CNN just a few minutes ago and something about this caught my eye. I know many of you will criticize me for my comparison and many of you will think im crazy but if you read the article linked below, you can kinda compare the situation with the Spartan III's and the kids trained by the taliban.

    Pakistan: Taliban brainwashes kids with visions of virgins -

    Now i know these kids arent super soldiers or anything special but like the S3's they are brainwashed at an early age into believing that what they are doing is right. Also the use of these people are similar. Both are sent on suicide missions no other would attempt. Tell me what you think but in my mind these are fairly similar situations.
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    What we tell our military.


    What we tell our children.


    What we tell everyone.


    Contrast (Detroit).
    #2 Nitrous, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
  3. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    ^ yes, we do shove that in our societies mind, but what we don't do is say "if you go and kill innocent people and start holy wars, suicide bomb, etc, you get to go to that place"
    We use heaven and the rewards as a way to set our children's and our own goals straight, so we don't go off track(for fear of going to hell)
    I for one believe these places exist, but even if they didn't it's a great thing to use to fufill your life and be a good person(if used the right way, rather than saying "hey, kill the infidels and you get 70 virgins and a one way ticket to heaven!"

    ^ yes, we do shove that in our societies mind, but what we don't do is say "if you go and kill innocent people and start holy wars, suicide bomb, etc, you get to go to that place"
    We use heaven and the rewards as a way to set our children's and our own goals straight, so we don't go off track(for fear of going to hell)
    I for one believe these places exist, but even if they didn't it's a great thing to use to fufill your life and be a good person(if used the right way, rather than saying "hey, kill the infidels and you get 70 virgins and a one way ticket to heaven!"
  4. xcoveredingravy

    xcoveredingravy Ancient
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    ^^ whats with the double post? hmmm. I believe that this is misuse of religion. Religion is supposed to influence you towards peace towards others and to not do wrong things. Religion is not meant to trick little kids into blowing themselves apart so they can go have sex with some virgins.
    That is wrong.
  5. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Nitrous is quickly becoming my favourite poster

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