I failed with my other one. White border around it, so view in FH Dark or something. Not sure what to do with text. Where, what style, etc. CnC? And ya, this is my real first attempt at a sig, the other was horrible. V2: took off border, resize, added text.
The quality isn't very good, but you cropped without stretching, that is good haha! Try some placement practice. I'd suggest Bold text with a gradient on it, BEHIND Kimbo. Try something SUCH AS the text just barely on top of the shoulder on the right, and then when you got gradient etc, rasterize the layer/click it with paint brush to rasterize, and then erase the part that is on his shoulder, so it appears to be behind him. aha just a suggestion. Next try some style effects perhaps? add some gradients and add a light source, (top left seems most suitable) and then maybe some distortion, make the flow go from the bottom left corner to top right anywho. Aha just suggestions! Try some stuff out, do multiple variations of the signature, see what you like Good luck!
its to big... maybe if you shrunk it down a wee size it wouldn't look so dotty n stuff. also... bad borderr! ma ha
Thanks for laughing at my border, but you did make a good point. It seems too big, and I did get it under 500x200. Thanks for the font ideas Myztic, I'll see what I can do. Although I'm using a Pixelmator demo, not sure what else I can do. V2:
I think it looks pretty good. Something needs to be done about the words on his glove though, mabye make that the place where it says Kimbo.