I wonder how much of this story is a lie. And did you see the video of the people bawling their eyes out in the street? Staged to the high heavens if you ask me.
North Koreans were actually ordered to mourn him like that. If they didn't, they, or their families, would probably be punished. This is old, but this thread needs it so bad.
I thought that they were debating his age? They didn't know what age he was exactly, but they did know he was 69 or 70.
Dat dead guy. Also Steve, I would like to inform you that he was in possession of the worlds largest porn collection.
from what i head, the son is taking over, but will not be officially ruling yet, and the staff will be running **** until he is ready to rule... which after seeing plenty of movies leads me to believe that this is all part of a larger plan by another person behind the scenes...
Kim Jong Il's father's regime was no different from the current regime, so it's not unlikely that there may be a behind-the-scenes thing going on. Kim Jong Il may just be a face, and not a power.