ohai thar. This is my favorite clip I have, my killtrocity on Avalanche. You may be thinking, oh he's just using a TANK! Remember kids, TANKS BEAT EVERYTHING! But, no. I'm using a BR and a sniper. Enjoy... or else. Be sure to keep watching after the killtrocity because I get a sniper headshot and then a cheap shotgun triple kill for the Killing Frenzy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2AF5AJkCoI&feature=channel_page Thanks to Steeveness for the capture. He has a video clip recording set-up going on now so if you want a video recorded, go message him!
Dayum son that was pretty intense, nice job. I'm going to be mega picky/fussy here: Should have been headshots and the guy that had the shotgun, whom you beat down. Must have been lagging horribly lol. How did he NOT kill you? XD Great clip though. I feel like playing some DLC now D: My xbox is broken though.
Dayum son sucky guest. lol. Yeah, the shotty guy was a guest, but I don't know why I didn't go for headshots. The no scope was a headshot though!
UMM, dayum is MY word, thank you. Yeah but DaYUM that was pretty tight. Kinda right place right time though, as with most BTB multikills.
I can see you are the type of person who throws out the occasional no scopes at the enemy's heads and you are very good at it. You well deserve the killtrocity, it was pretty cool how you used three different weapons and you even picked one up during it. Nice video too.
DAYUM son lol. Nice killing frenzy. I loved the fact that you noscoped two guys. I thought you dropped the medal gaining halfway through, that was def more than three seconds in the middle lol.
You have 4 seconds in between kills and I killed the next guy in 3 seconds of the overkill. For the first kill in the triple, I got the kill with the plasma I threw right before and then two shotty kills for the double and triple.
Lol, I was going for some pro back to back Killtroc. or something. lolfail. Cheap triple with nades and shotty. But, I had 10 kills and a killing frenzy my first life. AmercanPsycho- 10 kills Everyone else- NONE! Carried the team with twenty to thirty kills that game, I think I had 30.
That was a really fast K Frenzy LOL. Good job on the Killtrocity, too bad Ive never got one besides Grifball =( Oh and sweet No Scoping