Description Killtacular V1 took nearly 20 hours into the making and now i have screen shots to prove it. I added many opening to the shotgun rooms so there cant be any camping and this map is designed for slayer/MLG gameplay. Also my second version of this map will be coming out soon with even neater merging and item placements. Here are some screen shots. Screen Shots Map Overview 1 Map Overview 2 BR Tower 1 Br Tower 2 Shotgun Room 1 Shotgun Room 2 Base - Front Base - Rear Notes My map is meant for really competitive game play so if your looking for a really crazy map with 10 bridges going across the map then this isn't it. My map is meant for balanced game play. So go ahead download and rate my map. Download Post corrected by projectt2501. This is the basic layout of a map post, please follow it next time.
I fixed the post. Lets try this again..... I actually really like how that map turned out. I am going to download it tonight. 4/5 - Good Job.
The map looks good for the most part and would be well worth a download. It seems well covered and im sure youv balanced it well. However in chasm iv0ry snak3s map and on MLG falcion by JAYclash I am not sure if this kind of advertising is actually against FH rules but in my opinion it is against common courtesy as in neither case did you give any actual feedback on the map at hand and aparently have defied the laws of physics with your 4 dimensions. I'm sorry but theres no way im giving you a download after you have tried to upstage two people in their own map posts. Also 20 hours is evidently nothing.Porcelain pony(the toilet) took forty "man hours" according to rusty eagle. *Supa Midget disapears in a puff of green smoke*
Yo guys I really only posted this map because i just wanted to get it uploaded here but im working on V2 and its gonna be way better cause i still got like 12 boxes left and alot of walls still. In the second version there will be zero bumps and nothing will be blank. So try not to rate the map on the amount of bumps but the actuall structure. Ive been working on V2 like all day and it will probably be done soon.
Looks cool some of the interlocking, (although i am bad with it too,) looks kinda sloppy. But since i suck at it i can't really complain about it.
It looks uneven in a lot of places. Stairs, walls, stuff like that. You can see it jutting out. Otherwise it looks pretty nice.
I agree the crap out of what Supa Midget said. You tryed to promote your own map on others' and you promoted it without screenshots. 20 hours is nothing. A really good map can take days maybe weeks to perfect. The 20 hours shows. What can make or break or map is the little things, like if a wall is interlocked into a box by an inch for aesthetic purposes or if its just sitting next to it. I've got a map that I'm planning to post soon, and its been on my hard drive since March, I'm always doing slight adjustments and making it perfect before I post it because a trulty good map shouldn't need a version 2.