Killing........ is a brand new series of maps brought to you by Conkerkid11. The game type is an edited version of VIP that plays with every map in the series that is officialy approved by me, Conkerkid11. Forging a map set up for Killing........ is kinda like forging a map for Asset, Judgement, or even Grifball! You've just gotta know what you're forging before you forge it. If I were to compare Killing........ to any other VIP variant out there, I would have to compare it to Asset. It's basically "Get your dude to the place, and watch out for bad dudes!" or however that quote from Cave Freaks went. The team with the VIP is given, well, a VIP. The VIP will empower all of his/her other teammates, and while they are near him/her, they will reap the benefits that he/she provides. But if your VIP is stabbed in the back, or stabbed anywhere else three times then he/she will die, and the round will end. So don't let your VIP die! But standing around killing bad dudes won't earn your team points! You've got to reach each destination to earn a point. Depending on the map, there will be a number of destinations ranging from 2 to 10. The team trying to stop you is made up of extremely bad dudes wielding swords. Don't let the bad dudes kill you! Because of my very generous nature, I have decided to allow users from all around the world to create maps that use the Killing........ game type! Just scroll up to the top of this thread, and click on the banner that says Killing........ Download the game type, and then read the following to get you started. After you have finished forging the map, send me a message (Not a friend request!) either giving me a time to take a look at it, or a download link so I can approve it. Once I have approved it, I will add it to this thread as a user created map, and I will add it to the epic story that is the island of Killing Grounds... Must be compatible with Killing........ Must be on Sandbox (Storyline reasons...) Must include more than 1 destination Must have a hub for the non-VIP team like in Grounds........ Must be on the ground level of Sandbox (Unless it fits with the story and is approved by me!) I don't really have any more requirements, but if it not approved by me, and is released using my gametype, then I will hunt you down and murder you. Just kidding, but no, I will be really pissed off at you. These are all of the official maps in the series that are forged by me, and only me. Some might not have download links because they have not yet been made, and are just hinting towards the future of Killing........ There haven't been any user made maps in the Killing........ series so far! Maybe you could be the first one! Now get to work you slackers!
Pictures of what? If you need an example of what the maps in the series look like, then click on Grounds........ under the maps in series column. And as for the gametype description, it's just VIP with destinations. If you really wanted to make a map for the series, then you'd download the game type and look at the settings, or even look for the settings in the Grounds........ thread. But if you just posted so you could earn a credit towards your post count, then this whole ordeal is pointless. First you start with a place for the VIP team to spawn. Then you start with a place for the non-VIP team to spawn. The non-VIP's have gotta have a checkpoint system like on Grounds........ with a little hub of some sort. And there has gotta be at least 2 destinations. If you really wanted to, you could even include a Helnaught by using the custom power-up that allows the user to operate a vehicle. Some minor changes can be made to the game type if I am informed, and if they are neccessary. Just please tell me to add more information only if you even plan on making a map for the series. Otherwise, I don't see the point in going through this whole fuss over nothing.
I honestly do not care about post count, but I was hoping for something like Spoiler Defender Traits: Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapons: ... VIP traits: Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon: ... You need only include things that are changed from normal. You might also post pictures which is usually customary on forgehub so people can understand what you are talking about on the map without making them download a map just to see what this "non-VIP hub" is. I am looking at this during the week an I might start a map this weekend if I knew what to do. Sadly I do not know about making a map and will forget by this weekend so you will likely not get any input from me on the gametype or map. I am quite sure I am not the only one who would make a map conditional on information in the thread. To keep you happy I have deleted my previous post to reduce my post count. =)