It's not a new game, it's been out for a few months I believe? I picked it up over the summer, it's a lot of fun. I find it more fun to have people to play with though, rather than joining a random game with mic-less people... So does anyone have Killing Floor? Killing Floor Details: Killing Floor on Steam Link to game ^ YouTube - Killing Floor Trailer (HD) 45.49MB Amazing Trailer ^ YouTube - Killing Floor gameplay Western London pt.1 Gameplay^ If you have it and wanna play, add me on steam: dloe48
i tried it at a friends house. its pretty fun but it felt too similar to l4d but i liked it a bit better. id get it except my mic broke and my graphics card probably wouldnt be compatible
How much is it? And this looks lke something that may top L4D & **** zombies. Reminds me of resistance 2 grims a bit
It's 20 dollars, and they have released free dlc... In my opinion it is nothing like l4d, and is more like a **** zombies with perks, minus the random box and perkacola's there are 5 perks(medic, support, sharpshooter, berserker(melee), firebug, and commando(machine gunner) You can get them to level 5 max(trust me, it takes forever!) It is definitely worth the 20 bucks... and the additional 1.99 for the character pack if you want it. There are tons of maps being made by the community because of the $20,000 contest that happened. I think it's a must buy since it has tons of re-playability.
What comp do you have? I have a crappy vaio with a intel mobile integrated family chipset and it runs it fine.