You do not know how much I just lol'd. I do the same thing with my cat, but this one is such a ninja. Awesome.
OMFG Such a badass cat...See...I love dogs and all, but cats are so awesome sometimes...especially this one, at this time.
Oh Mai Gawd! That cat must be from the internet. So damn epic. Tex, everyone can laugh at cats but mainly the stuff dogs do, only dog owners understand.
I play that game with my cat around the couch sometimes >.< Cats are awesome. That video is brilliant, great find.
I was waiting for it to be one of those videos that a face pops up and screams at me, it was pretty funny though about halfway throuh that cat looks possesed
I showed this to over 100 people at school today. My english teacher loved it so much, she played it for the whole class. I lol'd again.