Well i wanted to know peoples Kill to Death ratio that people get in most games? I personally get about a 14-12 in Doubles a 15-9 in team slayer a 24-15 in Lone wolve
This should be in Halo Discussion, not Forge Discussion. But honestly, my K/D stays the same in all games, roughly 1.15/1. Almost always I have a K/D around there.
This is an average of what most of my games look like. | Game | Kills | Deaths | Spread | Lone wolves. 25 - 2 (+23) Team slayer. 19 - 3 (+16) Mlg. 15 - 3 (+12) Squad battle. 30 - 4 (+26) Social slay. 21 - 2 (+20) Multi-team. 30 - 10 (+20) Objectives. 45/50 - 10 (+35) Snipes. 9 - 7 (+2) Swat. 12 - 6 (+6) Team dubs. 13 - 3 (+10) Custom 1v1s. 15 - 1 (+14) guessing right around +18 I average. My acount would be beastly if I didn't let my friends play on it so much. lol