Hello Forgehub Community I'm planning on making a lot of mini game maps in the next few weeks, because i came to realize that i actually don't have any real ''party'' games to spice up the custom games in Reach. Kill sequence is the first map in this mini game map making frenzy. 6 pictures is all you guys get for now, but they are made to explain the layout and mechanics of the map. For a better explanation read down below. Mechanics The Kill balls will go forth and back because of the man cannons at the end of every track that holds the kill Ball in the air. I made a rail so that the Kill Ball will follow a certain path that's crucial for the map to work, and so that Kill Ball will actually kill the person below it, instead of using a wall that eliminates this kill factor. The trap work as follow: A mine that's merged into the 1x1 blok will explode when driving over it. The Shield Door protects you from it's explosion and it covers the first fusion coil that creates a further chain reaction while you are still protected. It isn't a big of a problem though, since the chain-reaction shows a delay of 2 sec. when played with my modified Rocket Race gametype. (don't know why) Pictures Hope you guys like it.
the pics dont work! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
They work fine for me. Do the pictures say something like ''error'' or is there something with Photobucket.com? What does it say?