Well basicly this is what I did to my friend at a sleepover at like 4:00 am in the morning. It was alot of fun i was the one holding the camera http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=NoYBZLK5ia8
Bl00D FIR3 I loled so hard when you see him in the closet ,all tied up,and his eyes are like wtf.LMAO this is hilarious you should make more.
Should be moved to videos. (hey wait, titmar didn't beat me to this. no mod for him!) *Al Capwnage for mod '08* edit: All of you have the weirdest laughs.
dude **** like this happens everyday with my friends its just i don't carry my cam with me i should though .. lmfao with i got shot pretty bad after words
At the end when hes putting that thing on his leg is his holister for his airsoft pistol when I yelled "Oh F*cker" He was about to shoot me..
i was wondering about that, i had no idea what was going on in some points, you have a lot of work to do in the art of directing good sir, ROFL, jk, great film EDIT IN ATTEMPT TO NOT SPAM: rofloflofl, you did a good deed anyways, kidnapping your friend all kidnappy like
lol dude this was like a on the spot thing we never really planned on filiming us kid-napping him I kinda justed grabbed him and did it.. o.o Then nick yelled grab the camara so i filmed it while tying him up
Lol you should make a series pleaaaase.It would be so funny ,you should also make a cool name like the kidnapping chronichles or whatever.