Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
I'm not going to add to the abyss of idiotic children screaming over youtube. ...instead I'll ramble...
it probably was set up. Anybodies parents would be yelling loud enough to get picked up on the microphone. not to mention they would have shut his xbox off really, really quick. My parents would of beat me with a belt. if it is real then the kids parents need to crack down on him!
You have a point. This is one leniant mother. But this is still funny as hell. I thought Halo > Taco Bell was universal until this video. Their Burrito Supremes are really good though...
This, is the very reason people hate 12 year olds...This kid, pretty much summarized the personality of half of Halo 3's community.... Annoying, Squeaky, Screaming Kids, who play Halo all day, and go off about how they are "Pro". -.-
That was the best half hour I have ever watched. My friend just watched it, and my other friend is on part three. This video, and you for posting, is win.