The Reusable Key Door On Sandbox! First I need to say that credit goes to Jaybo1996 for making the original map on Foundry. Now Here is mine By the way. I know ti might be messy. I don't want people just saying that. If you have a helpful seggestion go and post it. If not.... don't post! Thank you You want the power up. But there is a door blocking it. First you will want to take the power drain. You will then throw it into the hole to your right. You will hear some BOOM BOOM. Then...... the door will open and you get the power-up! Here are the inter workings. For those of you who care. If you don't... the link is at the bottem. Link------->
looks good the door looks really hidden and thats good but it looks like it would be hard to make this into a map, like it would cost alot to make and it takes up a bit of room... i was bored the other day and made a open and close able door that is easy to make, doesnt cost much and takes up like no room i dont no if anyone else has done it befor but yea... i used it in a new map im about to post so if u want have a look when i post it but im busy so i may be some time... lol forgot to say my door is not hidden that well u can see it easy so good job on this door lol
Looks good. IS this Acherich? If it is lol. Any way thanks for the credit but I didn't come up with the idea. zombiedude did. He made the idea for the power drain door. I just made it better and more well known.
It looks pretty good. What if you tried something other than a pwer drain. Such as a flare or radar jammer?
here's an idea how about behind a wall you put a mongoose then it gives you the option to flip it then that pushes a fusion coil and blows up the grav lift? seems easier to me just a thourght
great switch, i like how it looks hidden as well, suppose if it was used in a game then the people would have to know where they are which could serve well for those who do, or use an indicator
good switch suits sandbox ( no flashy things ya know hidden pit ) seen this made on h3artificer ages ago , u shold put a shild door so people cant use a grenade. good job but im afraid been done before
Very good remake of a cool (but sorry to say rather pointless) switch. Although I think you should include shield doors in the design to stop people shooting the fusion coils. Also, it looks a bit fail prone. Does it work 100% of the time? The ramp looks too wide to guide the power drain into the fusion coils every time. I'm going to download anyway though because it#d be hypocritical of me to judge your maps by the pics.
Hey i think this looks really good and that it will be a good idea for some maps, would you be able to make some sort of tutorial so we know how it works, im going to DL and take it apart to see how i can change it to suite me, but i would like to know how u made it. thanks 5/5
i made one a bit like this earlier but mine isnt re-usable which is a shame, i used some tiny blocks on some fusion coils with a grav lift up the top, to close the door you shoot them then they drop, if this helps you in anyway please use it, just gimme credit for the idea