Video By Aundre Skribble VIDEO[/SIZ"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request[/SIZ"]400 Bad Request STORY:___________________________ So i should start with the name of the map. This map got its name from the Egyptian god of scarabs (or dung beetles) Kehpri i named it Kehpri's because it is named after him and i guess he owns it. Actually it is a Forerunner structure floating up above one of the halos meant to study new inventions and discoveries. After thousands of years the structure was left empty without a sign of life. Then the Covenant found it and decided to use it as a place to store and test their prototype scarabs. One day the UNSC stumbled across the place and attacked the Covenant troops there. The war rages on and who will win? WEAPONS:________________________ Here is a list of weapons and equipment on the map. UNSC Two Battle Rifles. Two Sniper Rifles. Two Shotguns. One Rocket Launcher. Covenant Two Plasma Rifles. Two Carbines. One Gravity Hammer. Four Plasma Grenades. Four Spike Grenades. Two Plasma Turrets. Equipment Two Power Drains. Two Regenrators. One Bubble Shield. One Active Camo. The Map and Game play Tactics:________________________ The map consists of two scarabs one red and one blue on either end of the map and a large central structure and grassy courtyard. There are many different paths to take between the map and plenty of nice sniper spots. To get to the upper level just go through either of the four grav lift tubes. There is plenty of cover on this map and staying together in a group is not always the best thing to do especially if the other team controls the snipers or rocket. Be sure to spread out during slayer games in groups of two or one with a power weapon. However team work still is mandatory for victory try having a sniper weaken your opponent then you can go in for the kill or if you are without a power weapon have your buddy throw down a power drain. The power weapons such as the grav-hammer, rockets, and snipers spawn in 150 seconds-180 seconds except the shotties which spawn in 45 seconds. If it is your first through second time on this map you will probably fall off more than once in a game which is why suicide penalties should be taken off. The map also has a lot of long distant battles and not very many weapons so BR starts would also work better. The map only suits Slayer, Multiflag, Oddball, and KOTH. It used to support all games but someone deleted the objective markers or they lagged out somehow but i don’t know. Other slayer variants that are fun on this map are: Shotty Snipes. Rockets. Swords. Swat. Fiesta! PICTURES:_______________________ DOWNLOAD LINK Kehpri's WANT TO SEE THIS MAP FEATURED? CLICK HERE and add a coment about this map To compare the the first version Scarabs CREDITS Testers: Jpitty Silent oo Death Buffin Rinkley Devoid Prototype futebolguy45 and many more will be added once iremember who they where Special Thanks to: Aundre Skribble ii TpP Q&A:___________________________ Yes they should but i put them in the sky bubble because it is supposed to be like they are floating somehow and waiting to be tested idk the map is better in the sky bubble anyway on the ground wouldnt suit the type of gameplay i was wanting. Constructive critisism is appretiated and complements too. thank you have a nice day
If the scarabs are in the air...shouldn't they have wings? JK. I think the map is great. I haven't dl yet for a test run but from the pics its all perfect. How much money do you have left to work with? I have been toying with the idea of doing something similar but on the ground level so there is more room for a snipes/headshots only type of map. Great overall. I'll rate it once I get it DL and play a couple of games on it.
yes they should have wings lol. Well i have about 150 dollars left but i hit the item limit because i did not use a stacked canvas so if you do im sure you can do it.
OMG, this is amazing, you made 2 scarabs, looking like an aesthetic entry, and built a working playable/good looking map around it. This is awesome i must say, will DL, aesthetics are amazing. 5/5 great job jakob
Sloppy in some spots, but also one of the best maps I've seen recently. With some cleaning, this map would be an epic win, and could dominate all game types. 4.5/5
the problem with the dominate all gametypes thing is that somehow all the objective markers got deleted and i hit the item limit but im orking on the v2 right now and it is much cleaner so far. Thanks for the comments
The two scarabs look really nice and clean, and they also look really accurate. The rest of the map looks allright, but nothing special. I like the grassy area at the bottom and the rocket spawn. But it looks like it might be easy to fall off in some areas, but I understand that you already hit the item limit. 4/5.
what do you mean by ? Because the grassy area and rocket spawn and scarabs make up about four fifths of the map. But thanks for the comment and rating.