Keepsakes After the meteor hit Facility 15, everything was destroyed except for an area in an air sealed chamber known as Keepsakes. Keepsakes is an enclosed foundry map with the interlocking technique everywhere. This is 2 stories but the first floor is kinda small. Plays good with :Team Slayer :Slayer :Small FFA 2-6 players The begining of the level has 2 walkways ways that are both dead ends that have a mauler at the end on both sides. The walkways are both interlocked into the outside wall for an extra intense feel. Fence walls also border the walkways. The walkways were just borders of the begining. In the middle if the begining there is a bridge that leads down to the first floor. At the top of the bridge there is a very small section that only has a turret where you can have a good shot pretty much anywhere on the level. At the bottem of the bridge there is a confined space that includes 2 well placed bunkers on each side and a battle rifle in the middle for a good hide and shoot spot. At the bottem on the other side of the bridge there is a teleportal that leads to the sniper perch. Under the bridge is also a flamethrower. The strong area of the map where everyone will probably race to at the start of the game is the Sniper Perch. In order to get into the sniper perch you need to go through the teleportal on the first floor. When your in the sniper perch (which is inside a flipped over fence box) there will be 2 window panels on each side of the fence box with a small barrier in the middle with of course a sniper. The sniper perch has a perfect view of the whole map for a perfect sniping spot. In the middle of the map there is a tunnel sort of thing you have to jump to. At the end of the tunnel is yet another dead end that contains a rocket launcher and an oversheild. I figured the sniper perch was kinda of cheap considering all of the cover yet all the perfect sniping views, so i made the tunnel in the middle so when you go grab the rocket launcher, you can go to the start of the tunnel and have a perfect shot on the sniper perch with your rocket. The point of this was balence the map out. At the end of the map there is a circuler platform that serves as a bending walkway. The walkway bends around a complete 180 degrees to serve as an entrance from both sides of the map. The back of the walkway is bordered by regular walls but the front is bordered by fence walls. In the middle of the walkway is a shotgun and active camo. That is pretty much a complete description and main idea of the map. You will have to download the map to find out the rest of its unforetold secrets. ****PLEASE**** Comment this map to help this great map stay alive. You can comment on how you thought the map played, if it was a good or bad map, constructive critism, ideas for a version 2, or if you just want to say something totally random. Just help this great map stay at the top of the forum so other people can enjoy the greatness of such a map. PLEASE DOWNLOAD, RATE, COMMENT!!!! PLEASE DOWNLOAD, RATE, COMMENT!!!! PLEASE DOWNLOAD, RATE, COMMENT!!!! DOWNLOAD HERE
Your map looks good. However you should really avoid taking screenshots from forge, spawn points just aren't really appealing to users.
Rockets and overshield?! I like the geometry a lot, though. I'll DL it but I know I will not like the overpowering combo of rockets and overshield.
That 3rd picture totally reminds me of the inside of Silent Cartographer. Looks alright, but I would listen to what people have been saying about the overshiled and rockets. You don't necessarily have to take them out, but at least spread them out.
It's nicely interlocked and has a good feel to it, reminds me of some sort of temple Improvement: rocks and oversheild seperated make walls higher or add roof (people will escape) Neaten up afew walls
looks very small, suited for small ffa games. I strongly dislike the rocket and oversheild in the same spot. As Brute Captain said, you should avoid taking screens in forge. The map although looks good, it looks sloppy and breakable, have you tested this.