Problem. the City of New Mombasa is on Earth, in Kenya. I believe the SI is the city's AI, and had gotten disconnected when the EMP blast happened, so now he is in shock.
sorry for the second post but i have some more leads on this odd message another user name AdjutantReflex posted some wierd post and may be part of this whole entire keep it clean issue although he is no longer a member he has made his mark on bungie leaked photo s of a message sent by AdjutantReflex said hes here already. i am defeated secruity is failing peril is near warn them (secruity) their is a sercurity camera taping the actions of this moment if the srcurity is failing it could stop the protection of the area here is the leaked pic not edited at all found on wikipedia who know what these 2 odd characters could be most people think this person could be a bungie employee taking the role of a forerunner this picture used to be his avatar it is said that the J is a forerunner letter leaving a purpose for this person to be taking the role of a forerunner all though this character had been sending his messages through the time of halo 2 not 3 but it is very odd that these 2 characters have similar messages. You will be infromed when i do
That sounds reall weird.But who knows it could be like the SI that cam here or was that DQ?I don't know I forgot but at this point all information is good.
AdjutantReflex is dead. The Superintendant had killed him. He stopped his posting, and deleted almost all of his messages on the B.Net forums.
AdjutantReflex was another supposed Artificial Intelligence, and what we welieve happend is the SI killed him. We believe this because after AdjutantReflex "died" the SI started posting.
Yeaa basically hes the heart of the city.But maybe sine this marine is alone he has to find the SI and destroy him?
Yeah I readed that it is a campaign extention somewhere on I hope so because it would be so awesome!
Or maybe he has to repair the SI, and the SI would lead him on to something else... I've said this a couple hundred times. Who said it was a campaign? Bungie might be throwing you off, because this is a whole new game - supposedly based on a Marine in New Mombasa.
Yeah repairing him would also make sense. Oo and the only thing I'm still sceptable about is how is it an add-on if it takes time back in Halo 2?And no chief?Who knows hopefully Bungie sheds more light on that.
What if this taes place during the events of Halo 2, but in the eyes of an ODST or GROUP of ODSTs in New mombasa trying to repair the SI...
Hmmm yeah I guess ,and maybe it could clear up some things htat happen in Halo 3 that not everyone understood. But then I ask again how could it be in Halo 3 if it won't include chief and will be in Halo 2. I say the chief part is because most people play Halo 3 because of chief,if they replace it and put in the game who knows what will happen.
What about a Prequel to Halo 3? And Master Cheif won't be very big in it, But I think he'll be in them.
Yeaa because then it would kinda fill in those rumors about the next Bungie game being like GoW and GRAW
GoW!!!! That means we can execute with our bare hands! SWEET! :lol: But, I do believe that it would be something like that. Squad Shooter most likely.
Lol yea , and thos egraphics in the video looked amazingg.Which probably means thats going to be a main factor in it.But who knows while that ODST guys is there he'll probably find survivors of each side.And then find missing links to the Halo series.