Well guys, I think I may have an idea for a switch that can be triggered by standing on it. You see, when objects are weighed down in-game, they often collapse. An easy example is a tower of crates. Now, this is down to one of two things; 1) Weight of object above. or 2) Balance Now, here is a mock-up of the idea i have. As you can see, there is a problem. The blue area has not been occupied by an object. There are few objects that would support a wire spool until pressure is put onto it, and again it is dependent on which variable makes objects fall. If weight is the dependent variable, the job is easy. In theory, a small barrel would support a wire spool until you jumped on it. The initial impact would create more pressure, which could, in theory, knock down the barrel, into the coil, and finish the switch. However, assuming balance is the variable, an array of objects would have to be used. If this is the case, I can imagine the set up of the spool's balance would have to be a tripod-esque shape comprised of light objects. So, I'd like your feedback. If we can pull this off, it could create a breakthrough in switches.
can you make another picture showing where the fusion coil starts before it rolls down? that might help me understand better
Well, I know how this could easily be made, but thats for h3a to release their ForgeTech, not me. Just to tell you, think of how vibrations can pass.....
Anything posted on H3a, anyone here can use, just go to our website and look at it. And yea, this has been done, just go browse our forums, it is there somewhere (actually look in the news)
yea. there is something called wire technology which allows oyu to touch something and somwthing else will happen. just check out h3a.
Even though the main admin on H3A is power hungry and rather totalitarian. Most the members are good, so go ahead and join it.