Katana is an inverse symmetrical, sword base inspired creation that puts a heavy focus on allowing players to easily traverse between floors. It's ****in' awesome. [bungievid]17862613[/bungievid] Forged by: Nibs Longshot Erupt
So amazing testing , Playing this map ..... You didi a very good job on this ! I suggest to ad a Shot Gun on each side ....... And change the spawn location of the grenade Launcher .... because the launcher are almost at the same place that where the Snipa spawn ....
Does the similarity in name mean it has anything to do with Scimitar? And what does inverse symmetrical mean? Sorry for the questions, just want to understand the map better. =P
Inverse symmetric is symetric, but one side is flipped. Such as Asylum. And yes, Katana and Scimitar are both Sword Base-Inspired. Great fun helping forge a little this. I still wanna fix framerate n stuffs... Testing was fun today, especially Territories. Great job, Sir Noobles.
It's a rip-off of a rip-off of a rip-off of Sword Base! Anyways, thi swas fun to play on, and also to help with in forge. It's cool that while also being a Sword Base inspired map, this is on a complete opposite end of the spectrum from Scimitar. I didn't find the room combat to be particularly interesting on here, but that could just be me. All else is very well done, even if the colliseum walls everywhere look a bit lame. It's a shame you got rid of my curvy walkway in the center though.
eh...I think I helped more than Erupt, but hey, whos keeping track anyways? .... anywho, Katana > Scimitar because of sheer awesomeness and ability to not be lame when i play it. EDIT: what the hell happened to the centerpiece?
Oh, this is Katana. I thought we were playing on Scimitar last night It was a fun map to play on. really fast paced, and there were a lot of nice firefights across the hallways. I remember someone saying how the lines of sight seemed really open (I didn't think they were too bad, but if more people still complain). A simple-ish fix would be to make the areas between two rooms narrower. Or you could use the Godly method and just put crates everywhere...
You have no idea how much I wanted to add close quarters weapons to Katana. Sadly, this would only bring lift camping back in full swing. The weapons are now 2 snipers and rockets in mid. Which, is somewhat close to the snipers but it's an incredibly risky move so it will hopefully balance out. I'll try the Godly method, seeing as his maps have been amazing so far.
Nice to see it enclosed and playable. Looks like you filled in the spaces that were lacking before and everything I saw was in order. Nibs completed maps: 1 Nibs unfinished maps:237.
This one does seem to improve each time I play it, but the center section felt awkward to try and walk around during our territories session. Also, it's not quite high enough to protect you from the upper bridges.
The atrium pretty much has to remain that way though, seeing as it's the fastest way from base to base. It's also more worth the risk now since the GL has been replaced with rockets. On a happier note, the framerate problems are slowly (but surely) making their dramatic exit. If you are interested in testing, send me a friend request.
I'm referring specifically to the structure in the center, the one where Territory 5 is located. Don't get me wrong, it's minor, but it's just something I noticed during the game. I'll show you what I mean if we play it again.
I never noticed that you made a map preview of this...you could have told me >.> Glad people enjoying it, and im glad, from what i know right now, that the screen lag is gone in a lot of areas. I would say that the 5-plot is a pretty interesting gametype for this map. mainly because my team totally dominated Nibs, I want to get a game on this soon, and see if you have done anything.
This map looks really nice, and it's nice to hear you've gone for a symmetrical design. I'd always thought Sword Base was going to be like Boarding Action, but when Reach came out I realised it was lacking the feeling of collosal bases. Hopefully, Katana will give that feeling of two sides, rather than one long windy path. I'm also hoping the community won't take the whole Katana/Scimitar thing too far, and start to compare them due to their similar inspirations, because both maps are looking superb and it'd be unfair to dismiss one or the other.
Fun Fact: Katana in it's current state can comfortably support 6v6 gameplay. Not only that, but the spawn system can also very much remain intact. I've figured out how to eliminate the screenlag from red tier 3 to blue tier 3, basically eliminating screenlag all together. If you are interested in playing or maybe just looking around, the newest version will be in my fileshare soon.
I love this, but you know that. Did you ever solve your framerate problem. I hope so because this is awesome on so many levels (pun REALLY intended) Also, did you see my F*CKING nade at 20 seconds. Good lord. Do you see where it exploded. Good lord I am awesome. Cockiness aside, I was pretty proud of that one. Epic map, Epic gameplay, Epic design, Epic forging. Can't wait for it to be posted. (My god that nade. Did you see it btw? Huh?)
I know I spoke to you over xbl, but I'd like to reiterate what I said. Hopefully others will chime in on the subject and help the map's progress. Frame Rate Lag. The sight line from end to end is simply massive; it's unnecessarily long. You said your self that people generally aren't looking that way because people use it as a path more than anything. Therefore there is no reason that the tiered section on the end could not be enclosed, perhaps with windows and doorways at some sections. That could alleviate the lag, but then again, the more objects could cause the same problem. That's one take the situation. My main idea, that could go hand in hand with the above one or not, as I mentioned in game was to reduce the size of the map. In my opinion, for the type of map you created, you should aim for a 4v4. If your maps play 5-plot with 6v6, it's too big for 4v4 imo. For example, Guardian played 4v4 fine; your map is waaaay bigger. Whether or not you agree, there are definitely areas of the map that should be smaller.