Kanava District Created by Titmar and thesilencebroken Recommended Players: 8-16 Supported Gametypes: All Standard Gametypes Titmar and thesilencebroken have created a real treat that I just can’t wait to share with you! This is a Big Team Battle map that is unlike any other; not only is it inside, but it doesn’t have unnaturally long lines of sight or spawning issues! The two of them packed so much awesome stuff in here that it’s not possible to describe the experience at all, and they made certain that this map was fun beyond compare. It supports everything from teams of four up to the full party, and plays wonderfully all the same. Throw in a beautiful aesthetic palette, a quaint winding river, and flow that is smoother than a baby's bottom and you get none other than Kanava District. You’d think that two ghosts would cause gameplay to be generally lame for everyone unfortunate enough to not get their turn in the floating wonder, but you’d be surprised. Even if one team manages to hi-jack both, gameplay remains fair and balanced. The addition of the asymmetric warthog doesn’t even mess it up either, a real testament to the map's design. The two Snipers, Grenade Launcher, and Plasma Launcher are all great ways to counter these vehicles, while they in turn have to keep their eyes open for a guy boasting the active camouflage with the sword or shotgun. I must say, out of all of these weapons only one stands head and shoulders above the rest. My trusty plasma pistola! All I am trying to say here is that these two guys created something spectacular for you to use and enjoy, free of charge. You should definitely take advantage of this opportunity to buzz around the map and (hopefully) get a game on it like mine. You can’t possibly find it boring when you purposefully blow up your own team’s vehicles and boast of your 37 deaths! My crazy antics aside, this is definitely something that will be staying on my hard drive for a good long time, and I highly recommend you consider the same. Download Kavana District You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
I have only played this map once. But when I was done I took my Reach disk out of my sexbox, cooked it a steak dinner, broke out the oils and french ticklers, and made sweet, sweet love to it for at least 4 1/2 minutes. That's how good the map was.
^ Message was only half as awesome as this map is. Great job silence and titmar and nice write up yoyo.
I played neutral flag on here AGES ago, and then I played the map again more recently. Definitely a great map, good job guys!
Tis my honest opinion. I wanted to see the results but I forgot there was a link to see them without voting. lol
This map looks sweet and as always, I am happy to see another feature. I can't wait to play on it. (I've never seen it before -- that's why I love features!)
This map has been a regular in my customs rotations, and will continue to be. Silence and Titmar are both amazing reach forgers that haven't gotten very much credit where credit is due, until now. Great write-up, great feature.
Funny how you log on and it hits you just like that ha!? But you guys did awesome on this, big congrads!
When two fantastic forgers come together to build something you know it'll turn out, well, fantastic! Great map guys, a well deserved feature.
If you downloaded it from your computer, you usually have to play a game before the database recognizes you and downloads it to your xbox.
Wow. This map has gone through a lot of changes since I tested on it, way back in January (I think). Overall flow seems the same, and I'm glad to hear the spawn issues are fixed, Blue Team had a major advantage in the version I played. Congrats on the feature Titmar and Silence!
The games I played, red team definitely won. It seemed really balanced except for the fact that I intentionally went -20 or worse every game, much to chrs's dismay ^_^
i'm pretty sure TSB and Titmar collaborating is a monopoly and should be outlawed. in other words, this map is fantastic. i remember playing this and loving the fact that i could just hop out into the chaos (that always seemed to contain an exploding ghost) or sit back and play it safe depending on my mood. Every spawn was a different experience for me. Amazing map, congrats on the feature dudes, because you needed more of those.