Kamikaze V3

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Gamerguy45, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. Gamerguy45

    Gamerguy45 Ancient
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    map:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    gametype: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details



    Okay this is the sequel to Kamikazie V2... You may be asking... Where was V2, I only posted V1, well V2 is on my file share and I decided NOT to post it due to only having minor differences. Sadly, unlike the original honor rules ARE here. In halo 3 when you made it so the zombies did no damage they could still splatter. In halo reach this is NOT the case. So just make sure not to have the zombies use the weapons... Funny thing though, its WAY easier to kill a banshee that is sitting still shooting then it is when they are moving at lightning fast speed ramming you... So maybe it does work to your advantage. You still get the fast paced action you come to expect from kamikazie!


    It was made be me with some help from my friend, one of the creators of pennyless, deathtoll77. I spent quite some time on this map.


    This is a minigame. pretty much the game starts out like this. There is one zombie. there is a floating platform. zombies do no damage. humans have plasma pistols. The humans spawn on the platforms. So what happends is the zombie has to splatter the humans while the humans have to kill the zombies by diasabling there vehicle so the zombies fall to there death. It is crazy and a lot of fun!


    Zombies score a point for killing a human. humans DO NOT score a point any longer for killing the zombie (Apparently unlike in halo 3, disabling a vehicle that falls to it's death does not count as a killl... I have no idea why). This is why I greatly in creased the points humans get when being the last man standing...Instead of two points you get 5.


    There is a Rocket Launcer and a VERY SMALL platform that that spawns in two minutes.



    Yeah... He's dead.


    Even if you plasma shot him, the vehicle can still hit you... I'd high-tail it outta there.


    And so... The game begins.

    Don't get too happy about your kill..> Reinforcements are coming.
  2. winster99

    winster99 Ancient
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    great gametype only problem is that the banshees can get stuck in the little opening on the platform and if a human accidentaly walks off they should become a zombie

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