Oh hai guiz. I found that Forge hub is a Great place to show off my screenshots right now. My X-BOx just got back but router is being poopy so i won't be on for a while. Also, if you're bored enough to read this, then" Map: Cold Storage Date made: can't remember Effects: Regenerator+Frag Nade (pretty simple) Maker's GT: Stupidfart9876
I'm not normally a big fan of effects, but I like this one. It really makes the whole screenie look like a cartoon or something... nice.
Not the best screenshot I have seen in the world, but you are off to a good start. I have seen this effect done many times with a lot more better outcomes. You might want to either try this one again or get a different angle with the camera because I can see the whole map behind and I can guess what effect you used. Try experimenting with different effects, this one gets a bit old 5/10