Just The Tip

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by WhackyGordon, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I had a run through last night and though different than what I we were talking about I think the barricade changes look like they'll work quite well. I didn't check the ammo count but I did grab a weapon and run around a bit swapping weapons as I ran.

    I still think even with reduced ammo and especially if you have quick weapon respawns there's too many weapons. It's so easy to pick up the weapons every 10 feet that I don't think you'll ever run out. If that's the case then you might as well reduce the number of duplicated weapons, increase the spawn times and increase the ammo. At least then players may forget to restock and have to make a point of going back to the weapon spawn location.

    I'll probably tailor this smart little map edit to my own flavor (like I always do) but I'm curious why you didn't thrown down a little more weapons variation. I mean even if there's not much difference between weapons it still nice for variety to grab a needle rifle instead of the DMR everytime. Maybe a shotgun to really bring the pain. In my private edit it'll more likely be needlers and concussion rifles though :)

    Is he dead? I dunno, hit em again.

    Anyway I think you've done yourself proud, and I'm looking forward to the weekend.
  2. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Well, I suppose I can cut the weapon spawns, but I've always found hunting for a DMR to be frustrating, particularly on small maps where your opponent isn't far away. As for variety, I was just keeping things simple. I suppose a NR or two wouldn't hurt. The focus is on DMRs with Magnums as power weapons because zero bloom is so prevalent right now.
  3. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    So got a couple buddies together today and we gave it a good once over. The general consensus was that we liked the idea. As for things that we found could have been improved I'll only trouble you with the things that we all agreed on. FYI, we played a 3 man FFA.

    There are two spawn points at the main entrance that throw your sense of direction off and make you want to back off of the map. The spawns are pointing at the barricade and it kind of messed with us.

    Definetly crazy amounts of DMR's. I mean, I had no idea how many until I tried removing them from the map. There was so many that I had to reload your original map just to see the tally. 16 DMR's Hwaaa! I think even DMR nuts would find that a bit on the high side. Just for fun I loaded Bungie's complete Spire map and was surprised to get a tally of zero DMR's but then I checked needle rifles and found there were 12. I think you'll find you can easily cut your number by two thirds before even slightly noticing. If what you're actually wanting is to loadout with the DMR, you can easily change that in your settings.

    On the opposite side of the spectrum we felt that there just wasn't enough variety in weapons. This is really a personal opinion or should I say gaming buddy group decision. My group feels that the reason they play Halo is to play a scifi game which includes alien technology. Playing with a skeletal standard military weapon list leaves us wanting. That being said, FH has a huge list of people that prefer the latter.

    The Shotgun owned on this map, and not in that warm fuzzy I got a quick couple kills kind of way. Whoever had it did real damage. We felt that it would be less overwhelming at only 6 shells. I don't know if that would have changed with a 4rth player.

    Now that I've said all of this I recommend you build your maps to your liking. It's easy enough for people to hop into Forge and make any and all changes they would like to see done. I do it with almost every map I download.

    I have made two edits of this map, one for my group and one for you that I edited keeping your general play style in mind. Please let me know if you would like me to temporarily upload one or both to my fileshare.

    Thanks again for this map.

    PS. You may want to use @preacher001 instead of quoting an entire post.
    #23 Preacher001, Nov 13, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
  4. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Good idea.. lol

    Well thank-you for the feedback, first of all. Secondly, I can see what you mean about the DMRs - I guess I did get a little overzealous. I'll Adjust things a bit - cut the DMRs back and put out a couple NRs and some repeaters or something. As far as the shotgun goes, do you think a hammer would be a better option? I like the dynamic with two power weapons, but I'm having trouble figuring out a pairing that is reasonably balanced. I wouldn't mind taking a look at your rendition of it, if you can spare the slot in your fileshare. And did you see this? lol looks like the idea is catching on. I hope it pans out and we start seeing some more interesting community maps in MM.

    Edit: Wow! 328 downloads on the latest version alone!
    #24 WhackyGordon, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  5. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    lol, yah I noticed. You spiked like 200 over night. Everyone wants the tip.

    The hammer is good fun but not necessary. It's one of those things that will definitely make alot of people wine. Matter of fact my old school style angers the MLG lite masses.

    For me I usually decide based on what style of map I wanna play. That being said, I tend to have it in any map that offers enough running room, but I love carnage. Heck it's the only weapon on one of my maps :)

    Both JTT variations are temporarily uploaded.
  6. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    @Preacher - I downloaded the variations you made up. I haven't had a chance to look at them yet, thanks to CEA, but they are downloaded if you need the fileshare slots. Thanks again, by the way :)

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