how come everytime i pick up the sniper rifle i get some kid that wants to follow me around team shooting me trying to unscope me. i swear it happens almost everytime i pick it up. seams like a spoiled little girl thing to do idk, do you all get this crap too?
Lolz. If you have a problem, take it up with Bungie or man up. I get it sometimes, but I end up just smacking them off my sniper spot, or I just let them have the damn rifle. Deal with it, dude. Not saying it's right to do, just don't whine about it.
Or, if applicable, jump off a cliff or into the water with it. You won't be effective with a teammate shooting you, so it's probably better off that way anyway.
Don't do this. It encourages the bastards to do it in the future. Do like the above post and make sure nobody gets the sniper or do as I tend to do and have fun with it. Shoot back at them and force then to betray you and boot them, or find a nice corner and just sit there and see what they do. Whatever you do, don't give in.
Don't use the scope. Seriously, I got so pissed at people doing that in Halo: 3 that I taught myself to long-range without touching the scope. It makes it hundreds of times easier, you dont get scope-locked, etc. Totally worth it. Then when you get headshot after headshot while they are shooting you, they realize they suck and go cry.
You are truly PRO if you can get headshots with sniper rifles without scopes. I need to learn to do that. Alternatively, I just grab the sniper and drive to near the enemy base; if they follow me there, I just get an enemy to shoot them twice then kill them so it gives the other team a kill and they dont boot me. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Well if they want to whine about it just give it to them and show them that you are the bigger spartan. Lol.
Just do this Shoot them in the Head and Camp then wait for them to come in on you then shoot them in the Chest then they Kill you then Boot their Ass
Bungie uses the 3 strikes n your out i kill them once they kill me once then kick it isnt really 3 strikes just 2
Noscoping is incredibly easy in Halo: Reach. I could never pull it off in Halo 3, always had to quickscope. Though I do prefer to scope for a multitude of reasons. In any case, I only ***** about the sniper rifle if I'm playing with friends, otherwise I just wait for the random to die or I go off and DMR peoples.
The problem lies in that the sniper is the most powerful weapon so everyone wants it. I'm assuming your talking about a BTB map because I've never encountered this problem on small maps so say on hemorrhage you pick up a sniper your only threat is anther sniper. My solution is making sniper weak against vehicles in the Title update then putting couple more Spartan lasers and rockets on BTB maps. That way the sniper is knocked down a notch and people wont want it, as much.
I used to suck with the Sniper, but then I started playing Sniper Fight a lot and got my skills up. Now I can pretty much top the list if I play Team Snipers. But seriously, the only way I can see to counter whining little bitches that wont leave you alone when you grab the SR is to play weapon specific playlists, such as Snipers or SWAT. Its really the only way to get away from dickheads like this, unless you party up with three or seven friends, depending on your game preference.
Team Snipers is a campfest and it's the same maps over and over. It might help you with quickscoping, but other than that it really isn't indicative of the playstyles you'll need to contend with if you venture into other playlists, mainly the standard Team Slayer, Squad Slayer or Objective ones. I loved Team Snipers are first, then dropped playing it as soon as I found it killed my sniper rifle k/d because it would ruin my stats (which I like to check on to see what I'm doing right, otherwise I tend to forget how new strategies and whatnot affect performance because I'm a game to game player). Plus, the caliber of snipers you'll come across in the regular playlists escalates depending on the availability of other weapons. On the matter of people rushing the sniper and it being a BTB map, I hate and never play BTB or Invasion. Though things have calmed down in terms of randoms rushing for the sniper, much less hovering if I took it.
That is true. Everyone just camps up real hard, which is why I like to rush people because they're not expecting it. I especially like assassinating them when they think they have teh l337est camp spot evar, and then excessively teabag them just to spite them. I honestly never played Snipers until one of my friends kept pushing me to do it whenever he came around and we splitscreened (which is horrible, by the way), and I still only play it when he's around, but Im a lot better at it than I used to be.
What I did once to someone who was doing that was simply walk to the egde of the map, swap it with a new weapon and let the sniper fall. I then looked at the guy and walked off.
I adopted this tactic from someone else when I play solo: Someone shoots at me while I'm sniping on my team; I look them in the eye, turn down and shoot all but one shot at the ground, and give it to them for a weapon on the ground. They scramble for the thing so quickly, I can only imagine their face when they find one shot left...sometimes they betray me afterwards, and I let them in the hopes that I can boot them. When I'm playing with my friends we all spend the rest of the game collectively following the bastard mildly harassing them in the hopes he snaps and betrays us so we can boot him. It actually works very well. Other than one of the tactics mentioned by anyone in this thread, you really have to live with them. Betryaing them won't stop them from coming back and giving a good sniper to them only encourages them to do it again like CAPNxXxXANT said. It sucks, but you have to find a way to deal with it.
I do the exact same thing, waste all the ammo right in front of them, but save one round. However, I've come to not care about having the sniper anymore. If I can get to it first, great. But if someone grabs it I'm not going to betray them for it. It's important to be versatile and skilled with all weapons in Halo, so if I'm not using the sniper, I find another way to be at the top of my game.
Thanks, likewise! I think everyone just copied mine since I left such a legacy back in the days of Halo 2 just kidding of course. But yeah I don't see too many people with the same Halo symbol as me these days, rare occasion! P.S. How did you get your avatar to be a bigger size? I want mine to be that big! (Please no SSRC