I've only had Photoshop for a couple days... go easy on me. I'm just experimenting with brushes and effects right now, hopefully more complex stuff to come soon. An image made for my site's tournament. Squad Tactics is a gametype series of mine. My final project to date. Same render as the one below. My favorite sig so far. I don't know why, I just like the colors and effects. Just a freestyle sig project. I'm a big fan of the dark reds. A site sig - note my inability to do much other than place fractal brushes at this point. My second project - larger than a sig, just a general experiment. My first ever sig made. At my board, the signature limit is 550px so some of my sigs are a bit wider than average.
Looks good for a beginner. But what PO's me is that people that have actual photoshop overlook everything.
Who helped you get Photoshop? That's right, your friendly neighbourhood Sam. You can thank me later! As I've said in your Graphics Port over at Forge Union, I really like the style you've got going with your signatures, a lot of those ones aren't posted here, but they were very clean and crisp. I actually think the second from last 'larger' piece looks real nice, it's a great composition. Just remember, practice, practice, practice! If you need any help with anything, as always just ask me on msn.
Yup, thanks a ton for everything Sam, nice status btw. Not sure what you mean by that, Mace, but if you're implying that they aren't very complex or I haven't fully utilized the software, then I would expect that much considering I just got it.