Many of you may know what Asset is. I have an idea. Someone should make one of these Asset maps(with the ground base and all the brutes coming after you, you know the drill[view other Asset maps for more info]), that has to do with one of those big ships in orbit, something like barc0de's UNSC Frigate( You could put it outside of the spacebubble, so it would work like the drop pods in Protocol(rifte gifle, Asset map pack), with drop pods and vehicles(warthogs, scorpions, whatev.) dropping straight to the ground. ODSTs would wait it out, fighting off brutes until e-vac arrives(other players can stay in the ship too. You could make a MAC cannon that they could use to blow the **** out of the brutes on the ground[stationary wraith on a tin cup].) As soon as the hornet spawns in the orbital ship(this probably will require someone to stay), they fly down to the ground, pick up Virgil(the Asset, or VIP), and then fly up to a point in the sky(going back to the orbital ship), just like the other Asset maps, and the round is over. Also, in substitute for having vehicles drop directly from the orbital ship, some sort of dropship(see rifte gifle's D77-TC pelican) could spawn maybe behind the ground base after a set amount of time, carrying vehicles, like a tank, and it only spawns once, idk, just a possibility. Something like that. I just dont have the time or patience to do this. I have tried already but it just doesn't turn out. These ideas could also be used to make a big team slayer map, assault, CTF, or hell just an asthetic. I hope someone is interested as much as i am in this. I would love to see this complete Talk to me people This link leads to an asset canvas(by Gunnergrunt and Ell3ment) to help you
Why dont you give some real feedback that might help? This idea could still work. First change this from ODSTs dropping down, to ODSTs being invaded. There frigate could be boarded by many Brutes. And instead of wraiths for MAC cannons I think scorpions would better replace them. Maybe a hornet spawns in the Hanger and the ODSTs escape with the Asset. Your idea sadly had many flaws, athe asset could camp in the ship, if I had the choice of dropping and staying I would stay. Making a frigate takes a lot of budget, but then making a mini map below it is just pushing the limit. And the brutes would be screwed over from the oncoming fire above.
iv actually constructed somewhat of an example forwhat im talking about.ill post it in a couple minutes. youll see what im talking about with the wraith thing. a scorpion would just not work for this situation.and plus the wraith looks kinda like the MAC cannon in halo wars when you shoot it. but anyways,the map is kind of sloppy but its just to get a point across. this one wont be for asset but just for slayer or assault or something. if you guys want to help me or just make one yourselves that would be cool. i just suck ass at forging :haha: lol compared to most people