Most of spawning, I understand except for one thing. I know that a spawning zone given to a team makes it so only that team will spawn there. So in a sense, it makes all the neutral points within it change color. Now a weak respawn zone given to a color will just make it more likely to spawn there, but it won't happen 100% of the time. Now my question is if you put a weak zone within a regular zone. Will you be still be more likely to spawn in that area or does the big zone override and make it an even chance regardless of the weak zone.
I believe the effects are cumulative rather than overridden. A weak zone overlapping with a regular zone should make it more likely to spawn in the shared portion. A bunch of weak zones will accumulate but multiple hard respawn zones do not increase likelihood beyond the first, if that makes sense. So if you have two weak zones over a normal zone, it will both weak zones will increase the likelihood, but two weak zones over two normal respawn zones will not stack the likelihood if my memory serves me correctly. I hope this is clear (and true)... This thread should help if I didn't.
Actually, a red Respawn zone will force the red team to spawn in the zone. It does not exclude other teams from spawning in the red zone. What will exclude the blue team, for example, from spawning in the red respawn zone is a blue respawn zone, simply because the blue team will be forced to spawn in the blue zone (assuming they do not overlap). If they overlap, then they share those neutral spawn points that they both cover. But they don't affect each other. They don't really act as though they know of the others' existence. The red respawn zone does not effectively change the color of a spawn point if the spawn point is neutral. It merely uses it. If you have a red Respawn Zone with two neutral respawn points in it, you are saying that the red team can only respawn on one of those two points. If you then surround one of those two points with a weak respawn zone, either red or neutral, you are telling the spawn engine that unless there is really good reason not to spawn the red team on that point, then do so. If there is a really good reason not to, then use the other.