I need some help!! lol. Im in the process of making a map down in the sandbox crypt, now i want players to spawn in the actual crypt itself so obviously i placed spawn points in the crypt. Now when i first start forge its fine i spawn in the crypt, but evry time i start a new round to merge something, i spawn on the main sandbox level in mid air for some reason even though there is no spawn points there So basically i was just wondering if anyone knows why it does this and is there any way to fix it? Im using a money glich canvas with the materials in the sky bubble, i duno if that has anything to do with it but please any help is welcome, its been anoying me all week lol
There may be starting points outside the crypt. I believe forge runs on a slayer based system, correct me if im wrong. You need to enter Orcale mode, then press start and select "Change Gametype". Navigate along the possibilities to slayer, then press A. Once here you can see the starting points with the more lights on them than a normal spawn point has. Delete the starting points and place them in the crypt from the spawners menu. I hope this helped, if not, im outa clues D:
DO NOT DELETE THE STARTING POINTS. If you're using an OLN canvas(and I hope you are) you are free to delete all of the actual objects, but you have to use the objective items spawn points and weapons, and you'll get max items out of it. Just grab and move all of the starting points, from every gametype, to the crypt to guarantee yourself all crypt spawns.
Whenever you start a new round, it forgets any spawn points you placed. Die; and you'll respawn on one of those points.
go to a specific gametype under spawns youll now have access to staring oints these will allow you to pick where players spawn
The problem isn't forge, it's "Start new round" in forge, "Start new round" makes you spawn in a random place. BUT THE NEXT TIME YOU DIE, YOU WILL SPAWN ON A RESPAWN POINT.
Strange lol. I changed game type to slayer and deleted spawn points, the spawn points work on custom games but it still messes up on forge :S lol
It's a bug you get when you've placed spawns in the previous round and use start new round. The spawn glitch works only at the start. From then on, it's glitch-free.