okay. so i have been away for a wile beacuse of school so im kind confused on the part were the game type chooses you race (elite/spartain) now dose it only that for invasion or will all team games be elite vs spartain (ex team slayer) which brings us to our 2nd question in normal slayer (lone wolf) will you be able to choose you race like in normal halo 3 or chosen randomly? thank you for any kind of reasponse even telling me if this info. is not let known cus im not sure at all :S
I'm pretty sure you choose preferred race, and in Customs You'll be that class, but gametypes can restrict races, and Invasion I think it tries to get you on that team, but I'm not 100% about the validity of my statements.
most gametypes will force you to be a race, but some will let you choose. i believe there is a "perfered race" option somewhere
i dunno if it was clear in the last posts, but i believe ALL matchmaking games will force your race, usually spartan. the preferred race is just for custom games, and i believe even then its only certain gametypes.
There's a option in the Armory "Preferred Species" obvious meaning. Gametype settings there will be something like forced Color but Forced Species and most MatchMaking will be Spartans only and Invasion SvE but customs it will be up to the creator of the gametype. Having the options to have whatever the individual player wants, Spartans only, Elites only or SvE.