on all the elite helmets besides combat, are they surgicaly attached to their skull like a cyborg, like on the ascetic the indent in the back gose low into thir head, i think they are halph cyborg especialy ascetic and commando. whats your oppinion on this??
Considering the arbiter takes off and puts on a new helmet in halo 2, I would suggest that they aren't cyborgs... however considering that the other variants weren't heard of then I guess it is a possibilty, but I wouldn't count on it. An interesting observation sir.
mabey that theyer hads are in that shape and the combat is basically a frilly fringe they might think the same of us with the spartan helmets think about that when u cant get to sleep
I actually believe that the indent on the Aescetic helmet is possibly where their neck meets their head, giving it reason to be narrower. Nowhere does it say that Elites' armor is part of them in any way, so i highly doubt it.
It could be possible that they are a bit of a cyborg, i doubt it but i know that the elites do have ranks in the covanent in the military like the grunts are diff colors. the elites were diff colors and bungie didnt have any need to introduce the asentic and comando except for multiplayer, they did have flight in H2 campaign. so comando is possibly like the covanent equivalent to a UNSc spartan, cuz they both cyborgs maybe. spartans have AI Implants in the back of there necks, so maybe comandos have some sort of stimulant slot in the back of there neck(stimulant could come from some sort of adrenaline rush or something).