This is my first ForgeHub map and I hope you ike it! Junkyard is the first proper (decent) map I've map Weapons -Mauler x2 -Battle Rifle x1 -Shotgun x1 -Plasma Rifle x2 -Assault Rifle x2 -Brute Shot x1 -Sniper Rifle x1 -Energy Sword x1 Equipment -Power Drain x1 -Flare x1 -Grav Lift x1 -Bubble Shield x1 Screenshots: Halo 3 Screenshots Sorry that I couldn't the screenshots up here, wouldn't work for me. Download link: Halo 3 File Details Best suited for Team Slayer or CTF Feedback would be appreciated so I can tweak the map, and hopefully I'll bring more maps to everyone.
It looks bad. Try to learn how to post screenshots please becuase Im lazy and to have to sumthin unnecessary is not what I like. Over all this maybe a 1/5. Why you ask? because Its not original nor is it good by any standards.
well, I looked at your screenshots. Yes, you interlocked, yes you blah blah, but this map isnt anything too special for what ive seen too far. an EXTREMELY simple layout, brings just a little bit repetition to the game. I dont see how gameplay could flourish on it, nor weapon placement could affect gameplay, (excluding shotty) im not trying to flame and all but...
I posted my first map last night and found This Thread very useful for getting screen shots embedded on my thread.
Hey, thanks for the feedback. I know the map isn't very original or anything but it's my first proper map so I thought I'd post it here just to see what people would think.
Welcome! I see that you your post isn't up to Forgehub standards. Please read the following (as copied from the RULES thread): (I bolded the things you have failed to complete) Also, just click Here for tips on how to embed screenshots.