Yet another masterpiece made out of "Junk". The whole Idea out of these projects was to show that you can actually make something on maps other than forgeworld. This map is a robot hanging/climbing the edge of Countdown. It is quite hard to describe this with words, so here are pictures: A view from the left side, or his right. A view from the right, or his left. And a full side view. If you support the making of maps on non-forgeworld maps please download to show your support. Download JunkBot
a neat concept in making something not in forge world, i am really temped to try this now nice original idea
wouldn't say i "support" the making of non forgeworld maps, but that's not to say i don't like people making them. good job, nice to see you can make creative things with the limited budget and objects.
I agree with this guy, i mean there is no way you could make anything (until November) as good as forge world maps unless its on forge world. But nice attempt,ive already seen a robot like this made though on another map.
Thanks. Understandable. I might have come on too strong with the "support" thing. Fixed. What was the map named? If it was "BroBot" that was also mine.