a big huge map i made that has alot of hiding places and things to jump on its really fun for zombies!! aw edit it wont let me sign into bungie and get the screenshots or file share link :\ upsate: ok i found way for you to download my jungle gym map while bungie fixes itself send me a private chat invite then click on the private chat invite u sent and then from there go to my gamercard and go to my file share anotha update : oh and sorry but it isnt a real jungle gym i jsut named it that :\ download link - http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17873940 [img width=800 height=600]http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh22/kunoichifuuck/23853148-Full.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=600]http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh22/kunoichifuuck/23853064-Full.jpg[/img] coming soon a replica of my house in real life, something i have been wanting to do for a long time
Yeah, Windows Live has been down for most of the morning. I can't sign into Messenger, but I can sign on to Bungie.net, so I'm not sure what your problem is...
Epic fail... Don't post a map until you're finished with everything pertaining the post. I suggest that you look this topic up and edit your original post. You could also use this template when posting maps. Don't take it personally, take it seriously. Peace // gorebound
Gore, you are the king of telling people that their map posts don't meet the standards. As far as this map goes, I have high expectations. Big jungle gym fan. You should definitely give us more description, though. Especially since you can't get pics right now.
Haha ;D I'm not sure if you're serious or not, sarcasm is hard to detect over das intarwebz . But I just want people to post their maps according to the rules, everybody benefits from it. Peace // gorebound
Did you just randomly place objects in a pile? I think so... Took you less then 3 minutes? And doesn't look fun whatsoever. I had higher expectations from concert.
oh so sorry well if oyu dont like this one you may like the movie theater me and my friend made but if oyu havent tried zombies on it then please dont say it doesnt look fun because it is D
i know but i used unlimited money and covered the entire map :\ and there are some really nifty hiding spots
Ingenious! I call it 'Random crap on top of random crap on top of...' You get the point It's the sloppiest map I've ever seen. It couldn't have taken more than two hours.