Ohey, you probably clicked this link because you wanted to see what it was about, or what I meant by test, or just because it was there. Basically there's this test (which is by no means a new test) that categorizes your personality into one of 16 possible outcomes. The test is here, if you want to give it a try. It's in no way 100% accurate, but it's kind of neat. I'll also post the scores of those who complete the test, as a way to keep track. Scores: Spoiler pinohkio: INTJ Security: INTP Kuroda: ENFP/INFP Neo: INFP Meltyourtv: INTJ ShaddoBlade: INTJ Poolio: ESTJ Erupt: ENFP CHEEZ3: INTJ Organite: INTP Flamingo: INTP Pyro: INTJ Burning1nWater: ENTJ HMSGOVIER: ENFP Chron: ISTJ Benji: INTP LD ♥: ESTP Matty: INFJ Tz: ENTJ The Trivial Prodigy: INTP SecretSchnitzel: ESTJ Xun: INTJ QKT: ENFP Rusty: INTJ Elite Warrior5: ISTJ Skater: ISTJ DC: INTJ Indie Anthias: INTP WWWilliam: ENTJ SilentJacket: ENTJ IIIX MATT XIII: INTJ ER1C0: INTJ (again) FlyingshoeILR: INFJ Berb: INTJ ArmadillosTHFC: INTP SargeantSarcasm: ENTP (just like Tusk) ThrowinDemBows: INTJ Shock Theta: INFJ FlyingshoeILR: INFJ (again) MockKnizzle008: ESTJ That Scorch Guy: INTJ
I've done research on this stuff pretty extensively; Myers Briggs is basically a good starting point for understanding your own personality and the compatibility of your personality and your friend's, lover's, family's, etc. I scored ENFP last year, which seems pretty accurate for the most part. Thing is, I wasn't very strong in any category aside from N, Intuitiveness. Depending on my mood, I can score differently. I'd bet that this applies to just about everyone, too. I also learned that ENFPs are naturally inclined towards INTJs. After reading that, I tried to figure out why. I found that ENFPs in history are commonly reporters and investigators - some of the most famous journalists were ENFPs. However, since I hover right between I and E, I also did some research on INFP. INFPs are some pretty big historical figures like Da Vinci, Einstein, Caesar, etc. (obviously not all of these historical figures took the myers briggs test, these scores are estimates done by historians.) And finally, I researched INTJs. These are the brains of society; philosophers, great scientists, some military leaders, etc. I read a pretty large article describing what an INTJ is like from their perspective. I found that INTJs... - Hate small talk - Work alone - Are usually pessimists - Have fierce determination for what they enjoy, - But have complete apathy for what they aren't interested in So basically, that brilliant quiet kid that's failing english class because he doesn't turn in homework. So I continued the research, and found some more interesting things about my own personal life. In my past relationships, the girls I've been attracted to have either been INTJ or ISTJ (We take the Myers Briggs here at school for the gifted program.) So I guess it's true, ENFP is attracted to INTJ, and they tend to be compatible. But why? Here's what I think... ENFPs and INFPs have a thirst for understanding and knowledge in general. The only difference between the two is that an INFP will be more committal towards bits of knowledge than an ENFP will. They listen and learn, and ask inquisitive, thought-provoking questions. Which, at least I think it's safe to assume, INTJs also crave. Someone who's willing to listen to the topics of their interests, and is able to help extend their knowledge through conversation and thought. That's the information I gathered from my personal life, there's quite a bit more that can be gathered from any personality type, though. tl;dr - Myers Briggs is a good starting point for understanding yourself and others.
INFP, apparently. Which is kind of right, kind of wrong. Not completely accurate, but it's getting there.
Meh. Ambiguous questions are ambiguous. There are better tests out there, but it's a good start as Rorak said.
In terms of personality tests, other than being psycho-analyzed, this is one of the best. They're meant to be ambiguous, and often times, you'll see repeat questions that are just worded differently. This is to test how far in one direction or the other you are. Besides, ambiguous questions help get rid of bias.
Revised Plan: Let others believe they are taking over the world, while we secretly take over the world using them as pseudo-slaves.
Heres mine: Spoiler Your Type is ESTJ Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging Strength of the preferences % 44 12 25 1
I knew i was a INTJ before the test, but I took it again just because. INTJ Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging 89 75 12 44
I don't understand the logic in this. I got INTJ and the descriptions don't really match. I thought there were better ones out there :/
[SIZE=+1][SIZE=+2]INTP[/SIZE][/SIZE] I 44 N 62 T 88 P 11 You are: moderately expressed introvert distinctively expressed intuitive personality very expressed thinking personality slightly expressed perceiving personality It also says my perfect job is an Architect which was my major going into college. I am still considering changing it back...
I know several INTJs, and for the most part, INTJs are internet lurkers. Notice the results of this thread. Do you 'know' everyone, or do you have a few, really good friends? Would you rather be a director or writer rather than an actor? Do you look for meaning in everything you or others do? Try taking the test again, maybe you'll see different results. The descriptions on that site probably aren't the best, either.
INTP AKA, The Engineer. I took it six or seven times to be sure. None of the four scores (aside from perceiving) ever dropped below an 80-86, which led me to be worried with the accuracy of my answers. After reading Rorak's post, I did some more research, and now I know why I got what I got. Also, HERE, guys. It will be a hell of a lot easier for you if you what what the **** those codes mean.