But i think that it is bad it aint that goood you wouldn't go to some one you don't know and then swear would you and also you just swore at me you said F?@' of wahh and soz for spelling it wrong
Well, the parts you put time into show it, and the other parts show it also you attempted to interlock some structures and they turned out good, but when you hurried and didn't merge everything it showed.
Well, you did a good job, because I looked at the pictures before reading, and I was thinking, this looks kind of like Turf. I knew that it was somehow your intention to do that, but not a remake. Good job, but try to add a little interlocking on your next map, as it would be very hard to do it on this one. I almost think that it would actually help not being interlocked, because it further changes the gameplay from Turf. So, I'm going to give you a 5/5 for the idea and a 4.7/5 for making it your own, but giving the same mental image!
interesting. it's hard to get a feel for the map from your screens (overview-wise) but you have some solid structuring going on there.
I dont think its that accurate because i changed the whole middle section but the street is pretty darn close.
Yah ik when i started the map i wasnt thinking about that. But for my future maps i will interlock the floors. But Im glad you still liked it!
Uhhh yeah its really not cuz i meant it to be that way. But if youre talking about the street area then yes it is pretty accurate.