Jumping out of the map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Scribner, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. Scribner

    Scribner Ancient
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    Some foundry creations have soft boundaries which some players will be able to cross and "exit" the map grounds. I've seen this mentioned in negative feedback and personally I think it's time to just let this go.

    Forgers should not be urged to waste precious supplies on barricading players. Boundaries should be soft and mainly there to prevent accidental crossing and to communicate to the player that they've reached the end of the map. More and more Foundry maps these days have out of bounds areas, and hopefully the community will eventually realize that forgers have bigger priorities then to lock players into their map. My advice, is that if players can get locked out of the map you should leave something there to get them back in or to kill themselves with.
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I agree with you that it is stupid...

    Unfortunately the nature of the average Halo 3 player and Forger... is that they just cant help it... Almost everyone playing H3 and Forging was probably glitching out of maps and sword cancelling out of maps in H2... Its in our blood we just cant help it... when we see a way to get out of the map... we are just compelled to run toward it and grenade jump out.

    Its like an instinct engrained in our genetics as gamers... The only way to avoid it is to completely block us inb.
  3. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    yea that describes me perfectly.

    i think that in order to stop ppl from getting out of the boundaries, there needs to be an impenitrable wall that will prevent ppl from even thinking about trying.

    i wish that there were the boundary walls thats bungie uses.

    final thought: ppl will try and escape from the boundries.
  4. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
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    I agree with Scribner although when you see a glitch or a way out you just have to go for it. If a forger is absolute in not letting anybody out then they should make a roof.
  5. The Jon B

    The Jon B Ancient
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    I no longer waste precious items trying to completely box players in. I put walls or boxes that are too high to get over unless you grenade jump or hammer jump or get blown over the top, but all I do now is put a teleporter on the outside so that you can just teleport right back inside. If you want to waste time trying to get outside the map just so you can run around in empty space, be my guest. You're not getting any kills, which leaves more for me.
  6. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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  7. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    if u dont want ppl to get past a wall and u dont want to make a beastly wall, all u gotta do is increase the gravity.
  8. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
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    You can increase gravity but depending on the map that could also backfire, limiting sections in the map that are supposed to be used.
  9. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    It just depends on the map and gametype. For some gametypes, like slayer, it's ok to have an area that offers no gain to a player attempting to get out of the map. Compare it to the places where you can fall off the edge in the default maps. But if there is any cover or anything like that, then it may be different - for instance - if a team that is winning a team slayer match could go outside and camp.

    The more relevant problem with this is with something like oddball, where the ball carrier could try to get outside, drawing the rest of the players with him.
  10. kylor

    kylor Ancient
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    and @ Abusingbump
    nice armor lol
  11. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I can stop at anytime, I swear!

  12. Saito100

    Saito100 Ancient
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    I Completely agree, but I still work hard to make my Saw Mazes.
  13. The Jon B

    The Jon B Ancient
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    True, but who wants to play with someone like that? I mean, how unsportsmanlike would that be? And FWIW, I've never found winning to be any fun if there's no challenge involved.
  14. Tapioca

    Tapioca Ancient
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    Yeah, but knowing that you can is very, very, urging to some people.
  15. Gigith

    Gigith Ancient
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    Most people who get out of maps are doing so because their doing horribly in the game, so who cares.

    However in maps like Monolith (A map I love) people seem to just jump on top of it and kill people from atop with ease.

    There are times in which getting out of a map is pointless and thus you shouldn't care and should just put down a grenade or something so they can respawn if they want, but other times you need to block it off to keep A-holes from getting the upper hand in a game.

    Remember Zombies on Halo 2? it was fun, but people would cheat. Same thing with maps. It's best to just put in blockades when needed.

    My first real good map was a castle at sea on Last Resort. I used up EVERYTHING I could possibly put down to the point in which I had money but simply couldn't put down anymore. I only had up road blocks to simply show people that they shouldn't leave the map. Though every time I played it some jerk would leave the map, yeah everyone would laugh "haha, he's out of the map" but I would be pissed off. Telling him "GET THE HELL BACK IN HERE OR I'M BOOTING YOU!" would just make everyone mad at me, after all it's not a huge deal is it? It was to me.

    So now I block off areas that could give people an advantage, but leave a way to commit suicide when they have nothing to gain from leaving.

    Though I don't know why people use walls for roofs, just use bridges or stairs, less wasteful.
  16. racer0940

    racer0940 Ancient
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    it would be pretty cool if you could make a "guardian area" where if you touch it you die, not sure how easy it would be to cover every area but if you just got the perimeter of your map covered...

    the only problem is is that someone would come up with the great idea of having random guardian spots on the map that you dont know about untill you touch it...
  17. Nate the Gate

    Nate the Gate Ancient
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    Part of level design in any video game production, whether it be professional (as a game developer) or casual (forger/modder,) is making a seamless map. Part of that is keeping players within boundaries in a clean way. (By clean I mean no "invisible walls.") If it is too easy to get out of the map, it comes across as lazy and sloppy. Also as mentioned before it is too easy to abuse. Also, on some players like trying to find ways to get out of a map, and the more complex and challenging it is to do so, the more fun they have. By developers or forgers trying their best to lock players in it pushes the challenge further and for people who really care, makes that (unintentional) part of the game more fun.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is, locking players into your map is part of the process. Sure it's not the most important, but it can't be ignored.
  18. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Turian's got it exactly right I think. And if you're making a map small enough that it's possible to get out of the play area, then it shouldn't be too hard with the unlimited budget to enclose your map. Or at least make it seem enclosed.

    A few small spots where it takes some sort of crazy poopjumping or wall-edge nade-jumping to get out of the map are fine IMO if you don't have the resources to cover it. Places where it takes that much concentration and skill to escape are not that likely to break your map in a real game. And I say, if someone tries that hard to get out of your map instead of playing the game, then just leave them stranded for the rest of the game. I don't do 'death teleporters' or sticky nades so they can kill themselves. They must suffer the consequences of their actions.
  19. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    I encourage people to work to get out of my maps. When they do there is no way back in unless they go all Hari Kari and lose a point, or leave their partner(s) short-handed. If the player commits suicide, I give them a minus two penalty and balance it with no friendly fire.

    I actually use a fence-box on every level and make it a jail cell with two Incendiary grenades within. I place it high in the air, high on the wall, or right in the center of the map so someone else can get an easy kill if the Incendiaries are gone.
  20. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    That won't be possible to do with infection gametypes though because humans will leave and then zombies will have to find them.

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