Map: Foundry Jumpin On Air Is a Tactical Jumping Map took us 4 hours, heres the gametype and the screenies Gametype: Halo 3 File Details Map: Halo 3 File Details WARNING: The Following Map WILL Piss you off, Also You need to Slidejump, and.. if u dont know how to jump LEAVE NOW. low patients = LEAVE These ARNT hints, their just pictures also you have to find the right spots to jump off of or trick jump etc. im jk theres some hints rofl wow thats one long jump Slide Jump Numba 1 omg another slide jump.. WTF a ghost a jump you really must have failed like 1000 times now.. oh one more.. lol Wow that looks ez. WHAT theres cannonmannonz?!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO under > Right > FORWARD!!!! All you Do is navigate through the gaps..? This has gotta be the hardest jump Even He fails wall to bridges looks easy.. wait is it? wow we have to jump off pylons..? A Sign to Ledge.. easy as that this isnt hard.. wow another freaken slide jump window pannels!! Woah this is messy, maybe its supposed to be? off a roadblock? wow you acctually did it.. in one sitting.. O_O!!! Made by The Sadfaes Forge team
i like everything but the mancannon part. Those aren't really jumps are they? I like all the slide jumps though, those are always fun. I'm sure this'll help practice some of the more advanced jumping techniques, but the difficulty level is not very consistant. Looks like hours of entertainment and frustration, great job!
i like the originality here! i dont think ive seen one of these before. im never any good at these maps and i always get pissed off oh well i will try this one anyways. 5/5 creativiy 4/5 gameplay 10/5 frustration
Jump maps like the famous Obstacle Course are always fun, mostly difficult. ill download this and see if i can get past the man cannons =)
I love it! It is great and It looks fun, I like how it incorperates (or however the hell you spell it) ghost edges. Ghost edges are one of the best thing about jumping. It looks very fun and I donwloaded it immediatly, I am going totry it out.
thanks guys, finally a success in a map also i added teh mancannons just to fill the map, lol, in the second addon to this map, that im currently making its going to be simular, BUT much harder x 10000000000000
i thinks you should remake this on sandbox. Youd have a hell of a lot more space for your annoying little puzzles