JUMPGATE JumpGate is a race track that I made that Is designed for 1-8 players. it works well with RACETRACKS but works the best with battle splazers.the design of the track was to drive through, over, and around a spaceship. P.S. this map plays perfectly fine without any banked turns but it does hve planty of interlocking. Now for the pics Overviews Ship first 2 turns and jump through the ship next few turns and jumps off the ship last 2 turns and cheat proof finish (its in the obelisks) Here is why it is such a good map THE LINES OF SIGHT Lastly I would like to thank blackandblutoo for helping with testing and ideas on how to fix my map's problems Download link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
This map is awsome. Playing battle splazers was and is awsome. The map plays very well and the turns are neat and well forged. the ship is defenetly the main focus of the map and you really made it stand out. I really like this map, the whole map is very fun to race on. Good job Dark. Because of its awsomenessness 9.5/10 Yayay for u EDIT: You forgot to put in my epic fail!
Interlock? I can't see, so if I'm wrong tell me were to find. But besides that, this map is ok, it's not the kind of racing map i'd expect, no banked corners etc. but it's ok! 3/5
Really? stop spamming, and read the rules. Seriously. Anyways, this looks really good. I think battle tracks games would be tons of fun on this map. I think the track looks laid out really well and the forging looks pretty good. Good job again. I can't really download at the moment, but I'll try and clear up some space. EDIT: Oh and DarkIce Dragon, there is interlocking. Look at the curved turns in the overview pics. It is right there, you can't miss it.