Jumper: Timer (Puzzle/Jumping) Hello Forgehub! This is my 2rd Puzzle/jumping map so i hope that you all enjoy. If you have ever seen my older jumping maps, then you obviously know its mostly jumping. This one is not, it is mostly a puzzle, i only put my "Jumper" tag in the name so people will know that its mine. Although this is not a very big puzzle map, maybe not even hard to much people, i did this map for the pure heck of it and to see hwat people would say. It took about 4-5 hours to make since im such a slow forger... But i hope you still enhoy it. As you may be wondering why the map is called " Jumper: Timer ", it is called that because i put a time limit of 5 minutes on it, which means there will be no slow thinking here. A wrong move on this map will lead to your death, so on to the screenshots. (Due to the fact that this is a puzzle, im not going to say what you have to do, i will only show the map area) Screenshots: here is the starting point, go in the teleporter and begin this puzzle. [/URL] Here is puzzle one. [/URL] A view of puzzle 2: [/URL] Puzzle 3 (Looks like starting point doesnt it?) [/URL] Final puzzle: [/URL] Victory! [/URL] That is all folks! I really hope you guys enjoy this puzzle and if are ever get stuck or wish me to make a video and put it in my fileshare to show how, just post here or message me on XBL (Silver245) Sorry, taking map out of my fileshare. If you really wish to download it message me on XBL. Thank you for viewing.
Thanks, for the comment, and I`ll be quite happy if you get to the end lol, the pic with the warthog is what i mean, its my fav part. andm lol at the beggining of my post i said its my 2rd map, i meant 3rd*
I think you should have made this a series.. not three separate maps. Now people will just focus on the best one instead of all of them. Good job with the jumps, but it's really not my style... it's not really ordered in any way and it seems too jumbled together... so 3/5