Jump Ship Created by blackhawk2121 Map Description Jump Ship is a small symmetrical map that will blow your mind . There is a man cannon on the lower edge of the map that shoots you through the floor of top mid to top yellow. A teleporter right by the man cannon brings you up to the "hangar" which is at top mid(green). There is a "lockout style" lift from purple(bottom) to the middle with shafts on either side of it to go from the middle to purple. When you spawn initially, you can choose to go up to "yellow", forward to "green" or to your snipe tower, or you can go down to "orange"(man cannon) or "purple" bottom mid. When you lift off the man cannon at orange, you will pick up 2 pulse grenades which are placed in the first of 3 rings that you fly through on your way to yellow. Map movement flows very well; you're never too far away from a certain place on the map. Top mid. Hangar. Rings that you go through when you use the man cannon. Top yellow with the "lockout" lift where the one way shield is. Orange lift and teleporter Purple (bottom mid) View down red hall from yellow Red's side. Ramp to top mid. Ramps to purple and orange on the lower left. Someone download it for the love of goD!!! Thank you